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Im currently on 1 mg of klonopin. Ive been on it for 3plus years and was taking 2-3 mgs a day. I stopped taking it cold turkey in jan and made it 79 days before my doc put me back on 1 mg a day. Im always thinking im dying of something and right now its my stomach. Its been hurting really bad for the last 2 weeks. Ive had it off and on since i cut down . Its a burning sensation above my belly button but also moves around and sometimes it feels like my guts are itchy. Had anyone had this if so what helps? I have ibs and take bentyl but it really doesnt help with the bloating,burning, and itching. One week its this next week it will be something else. Im so tired of living in fear. I was diagnosed at the age of 11 with a panic disorder, and ocd. My whole life has been nothing but fear and its so hard and nobody understands me. Someone  please help me. Thanks.



I've had digestive issues during my taper, and I found that Pepto Bismol helps.  That's the only thing I've found.  There are a lot of GABA receptors in the digestive tract that get thrown out of whack when you taper. 


You might consider putting some information about your taper in your signature, like I've done.  That will help people understand where you are in your progress...


There are a lot of more experienced members on this forum that will probably have more advice for you, just be patient and someone will respond. 

Thanks shea. Im a newb so ill try and figure out how to put more info. Ive tried pepto and lots of other otc stuff. Nothing has really helped so far. Thanks again
I had major digestive problems during my Xanax taper.  I even had every GI test done imaginable - all came back normal.  So, I know it is all due to the benzo withdrawals.  Fortunately, that phase has mostly passed other than some nausea now. I'm stuck at 1 MG of Valium right now and many of my withdrawal symptoms have returned.  I'm trying to battle through them and just hold at the 1 MG for a while to see if I can stabilize.  Hopefully, your digestive issues will get better soon!  Hang in there!

Im currently on 1 mg of klonopin. Ive been on it for 3plus years and was taking 2-3 mgs a day. I stopped taking it cold turkey in jan and made it 79 days before my doc put me back on 1 mg a day. Im always thinking im dying of something and right now its my stomach. Its been hurting really bad for the last 2 weeks. Ive had it off and on since i cut down . Its a burning sensation above my belly button but also moves around and sometimes it feels like my guts are itchy. Had anyone had this if so what helps? I have ibs and take bentyl but it really doesnt help with the bloating,burning, and itching. One week its this next week it will be something else. Im so tired of living in fear. I was diagnosed at the age of 11 with a panic disorder, and ocd. My whole life has been nothing but fear and its so hard and nobody understands me. Someone  please help me. Thanks.



I do understand you. I had really REALLY bad OCD and panic that flared up massively until a few years ago, before I started on benzos (which I started for social anxiety) and now I can tell when I'm going through w/d because all of that shit comes back 10 fold.


Unfortunately I found nothing helps the stomach. Usually a tumbs / antacid works in those situations, but maybe only slightly.


The better question is how long is it since you re-instated 1mg?


My stomach got kind of weird too  last night. Guess I will keep track of that as possible withdrawal.


A year ago I had stomach issues and tests done, gall bladder and organs scanned. All was normal. I took a med for acid reflux for awhile but stopped for fear my stomach would be too dependant on the acid blockers or potential long term damage.


I guess it's just stress for me and possible withdrawal stuff. It's crazy what our bodies will do. Part of the process I suppose.


I have had digestive issues (mostly constant nausea) throughout my taper too--GI issues are common. But I am wondering with your symptoms and history if you might want to just check in with a doctor. It might not be something terrible. Could be a sudden intolerance to milk or gluten or something that can be fairly easily diagnosed and solved. I just wouldn't want you suffering unnecessarily.


I also found that kefir and probiotics have helped my stomach and mood in the past--not so much now.

Ive been back on 1mg for 6 months. Most of the hardcore wd's stopped after reinstated. They still come and go , still dont sleep well and still have panic attacks. I was able to go back to work and that helps staying busy. But i still have constant fear ,some days are better than others. It seems like one thing stops bothering me something else starts.  Never ending nightmare :(
My acid reflux was terrible during the years when I was on 1 mg K. I was diagnosed with GERD and was prescribed a PPI which helped. I really didn't want to take it, but It came to a point I had no choice. Once I will be done with the benzos and Prozac, I will try to taper the PPI as well.

Ive been back on 1mg for 6 months. Most of the hardcore wd's stopped after reinstated. They still come and go , still don't sleep well and still have panic attacks. I was able to go back to work and that helps staying busy. But i still have constant fear ,some days are better than others. It seems like one thing stops bothering me something else starts.  Never ending nightmare :(


That sucks, I feel you. I'm in somewhat of the same boat right now. Do you feel better after a bit of alcohol? I bet you do, and this shows that you're probably still stabilizing.

Lets say you were on 3mg daily in Jan and cold turkeyed, and finally reinstated sometime around March (idk you said 79 days). You've reduced your dose 66% in around 9-10 months depending on how you read it, which is pretty freaking fast considering you've been on it for 2-3 years you said.


Assuming you're getting even SLIGHTLY better I'd think you're just weathering out symptoms just as if someone had slowly tapered that 66% over the same amount of time.


Did that make sense?

Thanks for all the replies , it feels great just know others care. @loveandandhate that makes perfect since tbh i try to remind myself that but it doesnt always work  . I dont drink alot but when i do have few drinks i do feel better. No stomach pains,are wierd sensations. Ive only drank a hand full of times since jan. I was feeling really good when i was following my diet. But i kinda messed it up last month and currently paying the price. Hopefully it will pass soon im back on my diet praying for the best.

I'm sure it is just the benzo withdrawals as stomach problems are rife among benzo taperers but, sometimes it helps put your mind at rest to just go and have it checked out. It will be one less stress in your life to worry about.

As someone else said you can compare yourself to a person that tapered by 66% pretty fast.


Maybe get your stomach checked out for peace of mind but for me it's clearly the benzos. Nausea but it's the bloating that's insane. Benzo belly big time with and without pain. It's very common. I use a sodium bicarbonate product for the bloating called eno. Can't get it in the US though but it's like alka seltzer without aspirin. It sometimes helps. Trouble is of course is the salt intake. Need to take it no more than once a day at least for me. It says 4 X a day but to me that's just to much salt. Other than that I just try and put up with it. With the panic maybe trying some deep breathing. Takes a bit of practice but you can practice on sleepless nights and soon it will be second nature. Hope you're feeling better. B
I agree with Benzo Barb about going in to get checked out.  For peace of mind, I did go in and get my entire GI system checked from top to bottom.  I had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasounds, xrays, etc.  So now I know for sure mine was all benzo withdrawal related!  That peace of mind helps me to realize that every time I have stomach or GI issues it's all part of the benzo withdrawals and I'll get through this okay in the end. 
So i went to the doctor friday for a sinus infection and while i was there i spoke with him about my stomach issues. I explained to him my klonopin use and the drop from 3 to 1 and the 79 days i quit. He seemed to know alot about kpins as most doctors dont. Nothing showed up in xrays and he said he thought it was all withdrawal / stress related. Prescribed me carafate and antacids. And recomended probiotics. Ill keep you guys posted after a few days .thanks again.
And how the hell do i put my taper / usage at the bottom so you guys will know where im at?
kurbkrawler, go up to Profile, then in the dropdown menu Forum Profile, and you'll see where you can enter a signature.  I hope you're doing better.  :) :) :)
Good about the stomach issues and even better about your doctor knowing about klonopin and the problems it can cause, I would keep him on my side if I was you.
Thank you shea... im doing little better today stomach feels  a little better.  :thumbsup:
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