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You know, Marina, there are a lot of women here in perimeno or in meno; I think we need to start a new thread!


Yes, answers would be great, wouldn't they?  But we'd then have to go back to the beginning, and get the correct answer to the first question; the question that got us into this mess:


Doc, can you help me?





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Hi Marina,


It's good to hear from you.  I got slammed at the 7 month mark off date.....started getting better than then got hit again on the 11th month.  Such a surprise.  None of us know how long this process will take but we will get there.  Just gotta take it week by week and sometimes even month by month.  Had to laugh at "death by vanity".  I agree.


Patty  xo


could you add what dose and how long you were on benzos to your sig?


see posts like this are most discouraging for people recently off, not knowing how much or for how long you were on makes it doubly worrisome that others might be affect in the way you describe.

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Amano, that is why I usually stick to my blog over on 'Buddie Space'.  I was on Xanax for a total of 4 months and was taking between .5mg and 1 mg for 3 months and tapered from .5 mg in 4 weeks.  I have been on this site for 30 months.



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Hey, it has been awhile since I posted. I took a break from reading about any withdrawal because it helped time pass faster. I am feeling a LOT better and all of the acute symptoms have gone, the painful and immediate ones, and my life is going a whole lot better in general. The longer symptoms are really bad, still. I got a problem with agoraphobia and sweating that I've never had--I mean, REALLY bad, have to dip into cafes every time I go out periodically to go in the bathroom and calm down. Also really scared in crowds. I'm trying to do all I can to be normal and recover but also give myself a lot of breaks. I'm still having some problems with dizzies but usually only at night. My depression is much much better I guess that had a lot to do with the benzo, although there are still problems sometimes. I started getting repetitive thoughts which are really really weird, not sure how to deal with that. Not a lot of panic attacks anymore but the general anxiety is waaaaay worse than it ever was. I went to a new psychiatrist who was very understanding and nice about everything, and it turns out even my Celexa dose was messed up from the previous doctor, so instead of withdrawing off it we decided to adjust it...so far hasn't done anything either way. Instead of meds I am going to start CBT. I still have insomnia sometimes but valerian root actually helps. I also found out I have a hypothyroid. I guess that's about it, I kept thinking I was ok every week but looking back, even though I got better I was still doing bad, so I must still be progressing (that's an awkward sentence sorry). I still have some really bad days but overall I'm doing a lot better than I did on the benzos and I hope I still get better. I'll post again when I'm more functional, lol.
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Hi everyone!  Today I am one year benzo free...but I don't have time now to give a full report.  My "benzo-freeness" coincides with my husband's 60th birthday...and I am celebrating both by attempting to throw him a surprise birthday party. Though it is taking everything I have to "muster" up the ability to do this, I guess the fact that I can even try says that I am well on the road to recovery.  Tomorrow is the big day so I imagine it will be at least a couple of days after that before my complete "one year off" report. :D  


Grateful for all of you,


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Happy Birthday  :happybday: to your husband, Leena and congrats on your one year anniversary :clap:.   As you know, I reached this milestone two days ago and posted an update on a separate thread here in withdrawal support.  I look forward to reading your report after you have gotten through the partying this weekend 8);D.


Thanks for the update Kerosene.  You seem to be making very good progress.  I also had some "rebound" anxiety a few months off benzos.  I actually had a panic attack back in February and I had never had panic BEFORE benzos.  I think the nervous system needs time to reset after losing the benzo in the system.  Repetitive obtrusive thoughts and anxiety are quite normal to have at this point of your withdrawal.  You really can't stop your thoughts but you can try to be more accepting of them.  CBT would say to replace or reframe them which can be helpful.  I prefer a newer therapy which has foundations in CBT called ACT therapy.  See the book "Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety" by Forsyth and Seifert.  It helped me a lot.  Sometimes you gotta just keep getting out there and adjust and adapt, regardless of the thoughts or worry monster,  as you seem to be doing a great job of doing :thumbsup:.  Looking forward to more updates from you Kerosene.


Best wishes,


Verti (NM)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got through Thanksgiving, some travel, some family visits...   What a difference a year makes :thumbsup:.  A few hiccups with some dysfunctional relatives but for the most part, things were relatively good.  Guess my sleep center is back to "normal", jet lag resulted in me getting up at the typical 2 and 3AM for the first four or five nights in California (just like old times before benzos and during taper) but a couple of those nights/mornings last month, I was able to get back to sleep for an extra hour or two, which is a welcome improvement.  


Main development this month was my stopping by the local healthfood store and picking up some samples of the super green powder called "Vibrant Green".  I took it two days in a row after lunch and I did feel more energy.  I'm planning to order some samples of some other products to compare how they are.  The Vibrant Green may not be for everyone as it does have some herbs in it such as ginko biloba, maybe astragalus, green tea extract... so it could rev some folks symptoms up, particularly if still tapering or not feeling close to where they were post taper.  However, I'm looking for some revving at a year off ;D with fatigue (only in the afternoon) being my main symptom left, so bring it on :idiot::).   Also, Vibrant Green and some of the other products supposedly have probiotics which could be good for the gut. I'm still taking prilosec but hope to taper off it later this month.  They make other green super food products that are simpler, just the healthy greens without the herbs such as one called "Field of Green" and some others.  I found the site "greendrinkreviews.com" to be helpful.  Check with your doctor first as I don't believe these products have been tested by the FDA.  We'll see how the experiment goes.  I'm about out of ideas for fatigue as I exercise, eat pretty healthy now...  The last two days have been very good since adding the vibrant green super food powder in a smoothie with protein powder.




Vertigo (no more)

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Hi Guy,


Glad to see you survived the trip, the fam and the holiday well!  I'm glad your drink is showing results as well. I take l-tyrosine and that's helped my fatigue. I also take creatine before I work out. I used to really struggle doing a full workout until I started taking that stuff. Body builders use it. It's a great fatugue fighter.


My holiday was pretty non-eventful. Spent one evening with my BIL and his wife. She's a real hypochondriac and always has to out complain everyone.  She said she googled benzos and was blown away by all the horror stories... I guess she knows she can't top me now!  She actually believed me when I told her I was still messed up, unlike others in the family who roll their eyes.  I'm doing A LOT better at the moment, though.  My symptoms were screaming when hubby & I decided to buy a business, but either my CNS is starting to get a handle on it (at least a bit) or I'm just getting used to the pain because I don't feel nearly as bad as I did 2 weeks ago when we found the place.  I'm afraid I'm just taking a break, and all hell will let loose when we sign the papers and I actually move.  Until then, I'm happy living in the fantasy that I can handle this!  I've been sleeping a bit better and that has helped immensely.


I'm really happy you're doing so well!  Keep up the good work.





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Thanks Ginger.  Hope your knee is doing better and good luck with the new business and move. Sounds like you might be into a nice window of healing now that stress has settled down for the moment.  Hope the holidays continue to go well for you and your family.


Quick update.  I've now tried a couple of different green superfood powders.  So far only one has helped with my afternoon fatigue.  I'm going to try a few others before settling on one.  My main remaining symptom has been the afternoon fatigue.  Anxiety is still part of the equation but it's being managed better than before benzos.  I think I had an unrealistic goal before that in order to be "healed", I had to get rid of anxiety.  After reading the excellent book "The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety" by Forsyth and Eifert, I have changed my view on that.   One other issue is to taper off the prilosec.  I've been on it for about two years now, pretty much started it around the time I started the valium, maybe a few months before.  Another buddy here has a friend who had good results from going off the prilosec, but I'm gonna try to taper it slowly.  Turtle tapering rocks!


Best wishes,


Vertigo (no more)

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Hi Guys!!


I have a question, I hope this is the right place for it: I just found out that low body temperature is normal during wd, well, it's not entirely uncommon. Does anyone knows if running low grade fevers at night happens?


Tell me it does and you'll make my decade!


Going through a rough patch at present, well, not even a patch really, just a rough day so far, very tied in with hormone changes for me. It'll pass. I used to think there was something wrong with me other than the benzo withdrawal but the more I hear lately.... maybe not.


So, anyone know about fevers?


Thanks all, happy and continued healing to us all!!


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Hi Guys!!


I have a question, I hope this is the right place for it: I just found out that low body temperature is normal during wd, well, it's not entirely uncommon. Does anyone knows if running low grade fevers at night happens?


Tell me it does and you'll make my decade!


Going through a rough patch at present, well, not even a patch really, just a rough day so far, very tied in with hormone changes for me. It'll pass. I used to think there was something wrong with me other than the benzo withdrawal but the more I hear lately.... maybe not.


So, anyone know about fevers?


Thanks all, happy and continued healing to us all!!



I think both are quite common.  One thing I would mention though is that sleep might be more difficult if you are too warm.  Your body will prepare for sleep better in a slightly cooler than body temperature environment.

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Hi all!

I haven't posted to this board in awhile. Also, I'll be working 2 nights in a row this week so I figured I'd post now before the exhaustion sets in!

I am now 9 1/2 months off benzos... This last month I've been doing relatively well but still having struggles. Mostly what I experience is an extra vulnerability to life stresses. Also the pain in both legs has been nagging and keeps me from feeling better than I would if it wasn't there. There have been ongoing family/financial/health insurance/monetary issues that have kept me in a state of worry and I think this has contributed to my lack of success in being totally recovered.

As I look back on the past, I realize that things have in fact, been working out rather well it's just the uncertainties and unsettledness of my life that have been causing some grief for awhile.

Fortunatley, I do have a lot going for me so I have been making a consience effort to balance out the positives with the negatives. First of all, I have supervisiors that go 110% toward having a positive working relationship with me. They really are quite wonderful people. They have seen to it that I have at least a part time status which allows me to have work benefits again. Also, the job itself is pretty enjoyable (as jobs go) and I have a really good working relationship with the people at the plant.

The Holiday season is in our midst and this has allowed me many opportunities to get involved with events and such which help to keep my mind of the negatives. I went with my family to a Christmas parade here in downtown Longview last Sat night. There is a Christmas tree sale going on at the Kids school that I helped with last weekend. There are lots of extra choir folios that I am learning for Christmas eve. I have all our Holiday lights and decorations put up now and they look lovely! In the evenings, my Kids enjoy driving through the neighborhoods and looking at lights.

One more thing of note: today is the 3rd year since my Dad's passing. This just happens to be St Nicholas Day, so my family and I celebrate this by leaving candies in our shoe's in the morning. I suppose this is a positive way of honoring my Dad's passing...

Hope all of you are doing well this week! I'll try to check back on the forum as the week goes on. This week looks to be rather busy so I may not be doing much posting. Again have a great week and lots of good windows!

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Hey Pange, Marina, Patty and the rest.  Congrats on 9.5 months Pange.  You're making good progress though i know you may feel discouraged at times about your leg pain.  I sincerely hope that it will diminish in 2011 and that you will continue your healing.  We are also kindred spirits at this time of year in that I also lost a parent at this time (just over 20 years ago).  No doubt it is more fresh in your mind only being three years since your father passed on.  I am glad you are able to find some balance with the challenges and uncertainties going on right now with the positives to be grateful for.  Looking forward to hearing more from you when you return to forum. 


Marina, I'm not sure about fevers and such.  I imagine hormones could be a possibility if its that time of month or if you are into pre menopause.  When in doubt, you can check with your physician too. I agree with Amano that sleep may improve if you turn the thermostat down a bit.


The weekend here was pretty noneventful.  Hoping all had a nice weekend and are helping out the economy with lots of shopping :laugh:.




Vertigo (no more)

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Checking in at five months post taper...


Hello All.  Long time no see. :)  I hope everyone is doing well.


I am having mostly good days now, mixed with a bad day here and there.  I spend most of my time in a window, but I still have sporadic moments of nuero weirdness.  I still get the occasional inner viberation or the occasional muscle twitch.  The worst symptom for me is my eyes still bother me.  Sometimes in the morning, my vision is blurry.  My eyes feel tired alot.  I still occasionally get an eyelid twitch, although now it has moved from the left eye to the right eye. Hehehe.  None of my symptoms are constant, but they are still annoying.  I believe I am much better than a month ago, but not yet 100 percent.  I believe I have a bit longer to go on this journey before I can say I am 100 percent.


I will try to stop by again before Christmas...but if I don't make it back....I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and here is to hoping that the New Year brings us all complete healing...





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Wow, to be off only 5 months and to be doing so well; congratulations, TC!  Here's to a full recovery in 2011!


Hi Ginger,


It is good to feel better, but I really miss the no symptoms days.  I was one of those people that had side effects from Klonopin.  Of course, my doctor disputed this, even when I pointed to the symptoms I was having, you know how some of them can be. :)  So I have had one symptom or another, since April of 2009.  Even though I am now dealing with mostly inner viberations and some muscle twitching, I can't wait for the day to wake up and not have that either.  I am hopeful that sometime in 2011, this stuff goes away.  There are times when it seems to be gone, only to come back.  It is really tough not to get too high or too low during this whole process and I have a new respect for all of you guys that have been off for a considerable time that are still dealing with with this stuff.  I am not saying I didnt respect you guys before, but going through it, even for five months, had made me realize what warriors people are that go through this process for a long period of time.


I have concluded that all of us spend entirely too long in benzo withdrawal.  Even a person spends in a week in withdrawal, that is too much.  No one deserves this sort of thing. No one.


TC :)

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Woo-hoo, TC :yippee:


Hey MIssy!


How you doin;? :)




Fine, mighty fine, my good friend! 8 1/2 weeks off and while there are still some potholes on my road to healing, I'm getting there.  I sure do miss you around here. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m575/maxmoo/Funny%20Pics/Smileys/xmas-smiley-035-1.gif

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