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Hi Tish...I am so sorry that I can't remember how much was prescribed to me.  I am almost positive it was prescribed for me to take at night.


Did you do a search within the forum on trazodone?  Maybe this question has been answered.  And of course, there is always our good old friend, Google :)


~Leena :smitten:

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To INB and others who suffer with burning nerve pain...


I have been trying to "clock" when this pain comes on for me.  Lately, when it comes it seems to come about the time I am going to bed (which is generally around midnight).  I thought I had escaped it last night....but then, at 12:30 am it slowly crept in.  It is now almost 6:00 am and I have not been to sleep yet.  This is what it feels like for me:


The burning happens in my torso and chest and upper arms...and though my legs are not burning, they are sensitive to anything touching them (in bed).  I have a VERY light quilt (don't know what I would do without it), but I still have to get it off my legs when I am trying to go to sleep.  Also, all wrinkles in my bedding underneath me...I am VERY sensitive to.  I have always been like the "Princess and the Pea"...but much much moreso during withdrawal.


I could sleep if it weren't for the burning.


Does anyone have any thoughts about the cyclical nature of burning?  Such as...in my case....why it would come on just before bed?


~Leena :P

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Hi evryone!!

I'm celebrating 2 months off benzos today!! (since Feb 16). I feel in pretty good spirits right now. This is in contrast to yesterday. For some reason, I felt exhausted before and I seemed to have some 'cog fog' as well. I had a severe fainting spell yesterday. Fortunatley a was sitting down when it happened. My wife was driving and I was reading a book in the passengers side when it came on. Not fun! :sick: I am working part time right now and on Mon nights, I work a very late swing shift (4:15pm-2:45am) so I don't end up getting to bed until at leat 3:00am. This always throws my system out of whack and I end up feeling really tired for a day or 2. It's amazing how delicate a sleep schedule I have. I know that since my latest round of anxiety issues started rearing their ugly heads back in May 2006, a regular sleep schedule has been a real MUST for me... Sorry to hear leena that you did not sleep well last night... I know how this makes me feel the next day! :sick:

Well gang, I'm looking forward to having a really nice day!! Our temps here in the Pac NW are supposed to warm into the 70's over the weekend. My wife and I have started our garden now and we have blueberries blooming in the front yard!! :)

take care all,



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Hey Pan. Congrats on being 2 months off!  Sorry to hear about your fainting spell.  I did have some similar type in and out experiences in months 2-3 like when I got up from lying on the sofa too fast... It will pass.  Blueberries in your garden?  When should I come over for some blueberry pie?  Know what you mean about sleep being sensitive if you change up the pattern these days.  At five months off, sleep has been dramatically improved for me. Wishing the same to you and all you benzo buddies :)


Great weekend!


V (no more)

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Hi Vertigo (no more)


I have been wondering about your vertigo. 

I have been very dizzy lately at 4 1/2 months off Klonopin and Ambien.

I was checked for vertigo when this whole thing started happening 3 years ago and did not have it....finally diagnosed with severe panic attacks...thus the K.


How did you finally get rid of the vertigo?

How did you feel when you were experiencing it?  Dizzy or like you are on a boat and going to fall off?


Just wondering.


When you get some time, I would love to hear about it.

Maybe some tips on how you have over come would be helpful.


Many thanks.


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Hi Tish.  I had a specific type of vertigo (BPV) which was "treated" with PT exercises (listed in my signature) and by reinstatement to 5mg followed by a slow taper. My understanding is that the Brandt Daroff exercises often work for benign positional vertigo and not necessarily for all types.  I honestly believe half of it was going back on the valium and then going off it slowly.  I went to my ENT and then an otoneurologist for my treatment.  Always good to get an audiogram to rule out other issues in the ear. I know how scary and uncomfortable it can be.  For me, I'd lie down on my back and the room would start spinning.  If I tried to sit up, I just fell back down, the spinning was so intense.  Thought I was having a stroke when it first happened, not pleasant! I wish you well.  




V (no  more)

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Thank you, V (no more)


I went to an audiologist and had all the inner, inner, inner ear tests, hearing tests etc.

My hearing is off the charts (blind as a bat, though) and I don't have benign positional vertigo.

My ENT said that if I did, he could fix that.


Then he suggested that it might be anxiety and panic attacks, recommended a psychiatrist and the psych got me started on Klonopoison.

That is how I got into all this mess 3 years ago.


My dizziness is not so much room-spinning, but balance related and feeling like I am on a boat in rough seas. 

It is waaaayyyyyy better that it was, but still comes back from time to time.  Guess that is just part of this whole deal.

I was curious to know about yours because I have been thinking that some therapy could help me...just not sure what kind or

who to go to.


Thanks for sharing!


Poor you with all the spinning....how DREADFUL!!!!!!!!!

So happy that you are V no more!!!!!!!



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Hi all and panguelinua


ive been benzo free since feb 19th...first month off.. was bit rough... had some burning sensation in arms and legs, inner tremors, shakes feeling, fatigue...


now at 2 months off... still having sleep problems all over the place.. major fatigue, body sensations, inner tremors and shakes. I too panguelinua had a really bad faint feeling spell yesterday, was horrible.. i hadnt slept though, and didnt eat til like 1 pm... soo strange the faint spell??????? wondering why this happened...i see panguelingua you had this too.. and were pretty much bang on at same point in this journey...


anyone support, encouragement appreciated.. thanks...im feeling soo wiped out.. and rough today..


hope :'(

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Hello Hope,


I experienced my first "dizziness" or feeling faint last night...and I am just at 5 months off.  It came from totally out of the blue, as I was just going about my business.  I cannot think of one other reason for it, other than the reason which brings us all here together here.  If I did not have so many people on this forum experiencing this symptom...and talking about it on here, I probably would have thought..."oh no!  Brain tumor!"


I also had a terrible time with stomach issues last night, which is another thing I have not experienced too much of.


Soooooo, I don't know how encouraging it can be for you to here from ME that I am experiencing these things at 5 months into withdrawal, except to know that you have one more person you can count as having the "faint" feeling as a symptom of withdrawal.


My main most bothersome and hated symptom continues to be the burning nerves/skin feeling...at which point I wish I could live in a warm bathtub, where there is some degree of comfort.


I hope that you will have a better day...and that you will not feel alone in your struggles.



Leena :smitten:

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Hi hope and erveryone!

Sorry to hear that your having a difficult time right now. My last dose of valium was Feb 16, so you and I are about the same time... Today I'm feeling a bit exhausted and overwhelmed. Too many things going on!! :idiot: I found out last week that there were'nt any federal taxes coming out of my check from the part time job I have now. So, I had to call our headquarter office and have find out why. I was told today that I have too many exemptions listed and not enough hours worked to have taxes taken out. Not sure how this will effect my taxes for 2010. I just don't want to end up owing money!! I also got a call from the lawyers handling my father's estate about a final accounting that I'll have to review in order to have a final hearing on the estate. This situation has been a real tangled mess from the start and I don't know at this point how it's going to end! There always is this pattern that life-stresses will hit me at one time and especially with the w/d I'm dealing with I tend to get worked up and then the w/d will hit... I feel right now like I don't have half a brain... then, I end up getting defensive with my wife and I tell her that I just can't do it all right now... Fortunatley, my wife is pretty darn good at letting me vent, defusing my feelings and then getting on with what we need to do...

I also am working a shilft that requires me to work late ( till 2:45am) and I know that when my sleep patterns get disrupted, I tend to feel worn-out the next day.

Hope, I do hope you feel better today :thumbsup:... sometimes it can help to try to take inventory of life-stresses that your having at the moment  when the w/d seems to hit the hardest... then find a connection between the two. This is one strategy that therapists have taught me. Always stay connected in the present moment and listen to what your body is telling you. It's these connections that will help to make these things make more sense for you!!

Here's wishing you a great day hope!!! :smitten:

take care everyone,


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Good advice Pange to stay present.  Great seeing you on my blog this week, no apologies for the delay are needed.  No doubt it's a challenge to still be dealing with your father's estate so many months later.  It's been hard enough for me to handle my father being sick and some of his home repairs.  Can't imagine how tough it's been for you to go through the loss of a parent during your taper and post taper without much support from your sibs...  Well,  you seem to have a good outlook and a positive perspective now.  Have not been on BB much lately with all that's going on but I do read many of the comments and wish you all well. 




V (no more)

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Hey Peeps  :)  Any one had any dental work after w/d ?? Of course I have never been scared of dental work..I am a hygienist...but I am so nervous now...I need a filling....  my tooth hurts from cold....I know better...yet the fear from the anesthetic....I know to ask for no epi...My dentist wants to do nitrous..I dont want to feel out of it and get all anxious.    :idiot:    Any one ???    Thanks ~  :P
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Hey Mel. Sorry about the tooth. I had my teeth cleaned two months ago which was not a problem at three months out.  I've read some folks have been concerned about novacaine or whatever for more involved dental procedures, fortunately have not had direct experience with it... I think you'll be fine since its been six months Mel. I personally would not hesitate although I would have been more concerned back at 2-3 months.


On a sidenote,I had some wine last night and have tolerated it well at five months out.  I think at six months which I think you are, you should be able to have a filling with minimal s/x.  I would imagine if one gets stressed out about dental work, that could be another problem, but being in the profession, I'd guess you don't freak out at that sort of thing.  One other thing.  I once had some sensitivity in a tooth and switched to that sensitive gum toothpaste (colgate makes a minty  flavored one) and the tooth sensitivity went away!

Good luck!


Vertigo (no more)

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I haven't heard of anyone having problem with dental work.

I'm having a cavity filled in June and haven't really thought about any repercussions.

I'll be six months off then.


Let me know how yours goes.


Glad you were able to enjoy the wine with no negatives!!  That is great progress!!!



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Hi Everyone,


I just want to report that I am now down from 10mgs of lexapro to 9.  I know this is not an AD withdrawal thread, though, so enough said!


I also want to report that I am feeling very good a month after stopping valium.  I am sleeping fairly well (although not great), anxiety is down (almost daily now), and I am happy with my progress.  I want to express my deepest sympathy (empathy, really) for those who are still suffering.  I was reluctant to post my positive experience right now because of that.  On the other hand, I hope that my experience might bring some small (or large!) feeling of hope to others. 


I hope everyone will be very gentle and kind to themselves, no matter what.  I am thinking about those who are hurting.



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Rumi...oh my goodness!  What would we do without the people who can express GOOD news?  I think we would all be tempted to lose hope...so it is a wonderful thing that you took the time to come by and tell us how good you are feeling!  Thank you!  And may it continue!


~Leena :smitten:

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Hi everyone!!

Rumi, it's wonderful to hear that you are feeling so great right now!! :yippee: We really appreciate hearing good news like this!

Leena, I was thinking about your family situation, and I'm just curious to know how things are going? Thank you so much for your kind words. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. :angel:

I was also concerend about hope. I saw a recent post she had done and it sounds like she may be having a difficult time... :'(

I also know that vertigo has got his hands full getting his dad's house in order. I really hope that things continue to go well for him! I know how challenging it can be to work through difficulties especially during w/d. :-\

So far, I'm having a pretty good day. I got to sing at a school mass at the school where my kids attend. I looked out and saw my 9 year old son sitting next to his classmates, and we waved to each other! I just love moments like this!! :smitten: Very rewarding!!

I really hope that everyone is having a great day! I finally got to bed at a decent hour last night and this always helps me feel better the next day... I really enjoy my new position, I just don't like having to go to bed late! Oh well, can't have everything be convenient all the time!

Take care everyone,



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Hi Pangelingua,


I can really relate to your moment at Mass, singing (how wonderful in itself!) then looking out and seeing your son with his friends.

Those moments are truly the best life has to offer.  My 4 children are mostly grown - youngest is 17 - but I remember so well

many of those wonderful times.  So glad that you could enjoy it.


Thanks for the positive input.  So true that we get caught up in the negative and how far we have to go, and forget to look at how far we have come.

We are beginning to relish the small moments in life....those moments were not so enjoyable in our bad times during our w/d's.



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Doing pretty well Rumi.  Just not posting as much now.  Been pretty busy helping my father with his chemotherapy and house repairs.  It's been a good test of post benzo coping.  So far, so good.  Will check in from time to time but not on a daily basis.  You can check my blog too.  Will be six months off benzos in a few weeks.  Glad you are doing well.


I think Leena makes a point that we need positive posts to remind us that there are good times ahead.


Hey Pange.  I know what you mean about savoring the moment with your son.  I saw somewhere recently that life is not the number of breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away, or something like that.  Anyway, I think its great that you are staying so positive and upbeat.


I agree Tish.  Sometimes it is the small moments that we overlook and before you know it, we're thinking about the future again or regretting the past and we've missed the wonderful "present" that is in front of us.


Well, y'all can check my "under 4mg and chipping away" if I'm not around here as much.  There are a few buddies over there and around forum who need some support in their tapers.  Hope everyone keeps healing with each day.




V (nm)

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Thanks for your post over at my thread, V. Keep up the great work with your dad. I know it must be hard, but remember that as long as you're doing this helping work, you're also distracted a bit (at least that's often the case with me). Your wisdom and sharing is such a valuable part of the BB site.

I'm in hell this past week, but hanging on (all I can do right now, I guess).


Matteo  :thumbsup:

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Hey Matteo.  Thanks for the kind remarks.  Hope things start to improve for you soon.   It's waves and windows it seems.  Hope you get a wide open window this coming week and hope it stays open for a while!  You're right.  The volunteer work and things we try to focus on others rather than on our "addictions" can be a welcome distraction and perhaps even more :thumbsup:.



V (No More)

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Tish, thanks for the kind words. My kids are so very much a part of my life and even more so now that I'm over with the benzos. I now have so much more energy and I can even play tage with them more than I would have before!

Vertigo, nice to hear from you again! Sounds like your getting a lot done at your dad's house. It also sounds like your taking time for yourself which is a good balance! :thumbsup:

The work that you're doing now while he is still alive is going to make things so much easier for you and your brother after your dad passes... trying to do all this after a parent has passed away when you're a trustee of an estate is next to impossible!

I hope that everyone had a nice weekend!

take care all,



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Hi all..


having a rough week, think my paxil w/d is hittn me now 15 days out...............so here we go again w more w/d symptoms.....had 2 faint spells this week, sunday, and yesterday... my fatigue hit me even more like a ton of bricks this week! to the point this weekend, the only thing i did was go to the store for 30min to buy my son , some new shoes, and rode my bike for bout 20 min w my son.. thats it, rest of weekend was in bed, or on the couch.. Not fun! reminds me of my benzo taper, which i just jumped only 9 weeks ago.. And during that i was on the couch for bout 3 and half months... :sick:


having pins and needles on and off in my hands, feet, and some numbness at times. new symptom having had this since pre-taper benzos, thinkn its the paxil for sure........


the inner buzzing.. has gotten bit worse lasting thru out the day mostly,  was just night time...


sleep still not that great, 7 hr last not, restless sleep though, plus i got a wisdom tooth infection.. was very painful for 2 days, went to dentist yesterday, was put on strong antibiotics.. worked fast, much better today! thank goodness...and got 5 hrs sleep friday night :sick: geesh i should be getn like min 9 hr sleep a night..


gona take a sleep aid tonight, cuz w the buzzn under the skin, that is what is mostly affecting my sleep! unisom


so hopefully this fatigue will lift this week, cuz this isnt fun at all.. its horrible..thanks for listening..



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