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Hi David...


I had scheduled a doctor appt regarding my legs for Apr. 5.  Today I called and asked if the doctor could possibly see me sooner, and he called back with an appt. for 1:00 pm tomorrow.


I know my leg situation is a little different from yours.  I have this swollen area around my left knee that is totally unexplainable.  My knees and legs have been hurting and "heavy" throughout withdrawal, but the swelling only began around March 4.  The very odd thing is...the first night after I discovered the swelling, I was also having one of my worst nights of burning.  I had gone for nights and nights with very little sleep...and so I gave in and took some neurontin.  The next morning, besides the burning pain being gone, the knee pain was almost gone...and the swelling was down to almost nothing.  Unfortunately, I had scheduled an appt with my internist for that day and so I had hardly anything to show him.  We talked about if the neuorontin could have had the effect of making the swelling go down.  He doubted it but didn't totally discount it.  When I saw how well the neurontin worked, I knew it was NOT a good idea for me to keep taking it.  I can't help but wonder if the swelling is related to withdrawal from klonopin...and therefore the neurontin worked because of its affect upon GABA.


The swelling is back...and even if it wasn't, the pain and discomfort in my legs is increasingly making it hard for me to work at my painting job. So I TOTALLY understand how you are feeling.  My family isn't totally dependent on my income, but it does help us out so much.  Plus, I love my work and it is very difficult to think of not being able to do it.


The doctor I am going to is the orthopedist who treated me after my accident last year.  I was unsure what kind of doctor to go to...but I remember how adamant he was that I get off of pain medication as soon as I could.  Therefore, I think he MUST believe in the addictive powers of Rx medicine and maybe he will listen to what I have to say about benzo withdrawals.  I will let you know if he has anything helpful to share with me. 


Do you take magnesium?  This has been the one supplement that I know (for me) makes a difference.  There are different opinions about which form to take...I have been taking Magnesium glycinate consistently since my accident, as I can tell that it helps my muscles.


I will keep you posted.  Hang in there.  Hopefully relief is around the corner!


~Leena :smitten:





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Thanks so much for your reply.  Misery loves company.

I did a search for muscle pain on the internet and noticed the magnesium recommendation and possibly calcium.

I have avoided any supplements lately, and even my B/P med, due them reving up my symptoms since my CNS is so sensitive right now.


But I did take a 200mg Mg Glycinate tab, and a Tums (calcium carbonate) last night to see if it might help.

It may have helped slightly, but I had to walk a good deal today which set me back.

I will continue to take some in the evening when I can handle the revs better.

I just hope this is another post benzo symptom and not something else.


Hope you are feeling better soon.


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Congrats Rumi...no more benzos! :yippee:



V.....I always read this thread.....I will still respond from time to time..maybe I am a charter member of the club..hehe...but I certainly can't wait to be a full member..and get my no more benzos card...


Of course that means you have to keep this thread going... :) 



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Hey David...I will just pass this along, that came from Adelia to me in a PM a couple of weeks ago.  She uses magnesium oxide, and thinks it helps without revving up anything.  I bought some (really cheap)..the brand I found is Carlson's Liquid Magnesium.  It is 400mg softgels, and would be recommended to take one in the morning and one at night.


The glycinate form is what was recommended to me by a pharmacist, when I was having terrible restless leg syndrome during opiate withdrawals.  It really did help. 


I was in another natural pharmacy the other day, and described my leg situation to the pharmacist.  She, too, prescribed magnesium glycinate (100mg capsules) and said to take 2-3 of them at night before bed and then take 2 more upon awakening.  She said to add throughout the day as needed, up to 1200 mg a day.


Adelia had some trouble with the rapidly absorbed magnesium glycinate and that is why she moved to the less readily absorbed oxide form.


This is just all FYI.  Muscle/nerve problems have continued to be my main problem.



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I might consider using this also. I have had swellings in my legs for some time. I always thought this was due to my job, which required me to wear skid-resistant boots, and to stand for long periods of time. I was horrified about a year or so ago when I came home, took my shoes off and noticed an awful swelling in my legs, like a lump. I wore support hose after this, but I'm not sure it really helped. I do seem to have problems with some poor veinous return. I'm not sure how much a role Benzos have played in this.

Thanks for the info.

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Adelia is the expert on supplements, I think.  Did you notice the Mg Oxide played any havoc with your lower GI? 

I seem to remember that some Mg formulations will have you running (to the pot).


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I take Magnesium Citrate and have noticed great results with my nerves and sleep. However it hasn't bothered my GI tract but I'm only taking little over 600 mg in 3 divided daily dosages, I'm afraid I'll take too much and I've heard too much Mag. can be potentially dangerous. I get extremely tired on anymore than 600 mg, but I have naturally low blood pressure and I know it lowers it more so that's probably why I get sooo tired.
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Hello all...just dropping in to say hi and I will be 4 months free on Saturday but am having a mini break to guernsey with my husband so I will be away for a few days. My kids will be with my inlaws so it will be a nice break for us both after this long benzo road.  I will be flying there and back so will be good practice for a long haul flight with the kids in the summer - first flight post benzo mess - another milestone bites the dust.


Well, I am on day 8 of normality, symptoms there but very mild, I am back in my life 100%....not sure how much longer this will last but I am making the most of it.


Wishing all my ptbb's wide open windows.


Take care.



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Hello all...just dropping in to say hi and I will be 4 months free on Saturday but am having a mini break to guernsey with my husband so I will be away for a few days. My kids will be with my inlaws so it will be a nice break for us both after this long benzo road.  I will be flying there and back so will be good practice for a long haul flight with the kids in the summer - first flight post benzo mess - another milestone bites the dust.


Well, I am on day 8 of normality, symptoms there but very mild, I am back in my life 100%....not sure how much longer this will last but I am making the most of it.


Wishing all my ptbb's wide open windows.


Take care.






I'm so glad you got to a big open window, and I pray that it won't shut.  I've been feeling near 100% for nearly a week now, and I almost didn't recognize how being normal felt.

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FYI...Re: Rubber legs, muscle soreness and weakness issues...


In desperation, I went to the drugstore last evening and bought (and then used) Aleve, and Apercreme topical, along with

300mg Mag Glycinate and .5mg Melatonin. 


I added the heating pad also, and today my legs are about 50% better. 

Any improvement is welcomed right now.


I hope this helps anyone with similar issues.


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Glad you're back in life MAA.  Good luck with the flight and have a well deserved vacation.  David, good to hear that your legs are feeling somewhat better :thumbsup:.




V (no more)

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Thanks for asking.  Things are getting back to normal slowly.

If it weren't for the legs, I think I could report feeling a bit better overall.

Still have a long ways to go. 


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MAA...how wonderful it is to hear of your (hopefully open forever) window!  I can't imagine how great it must be...and also to see that it really does happen!  Thank you for letting all of us know!  Feeling like you can sit on a plane is HUGE progress, in my mind!


David...I am sorry I forgot to answer your question about the magnesium oxide...but it looks like you went ahead and bought glycinate.  I am so glad that you found at least some relief!  I did not have any gi issues until recently...and I am not sure if it is from the magnesium or from "benzo belly".  I am cutting back a bit on the magnesium, just in case.  It is interesting that since I haven't been taking it as much, I am having more trouble with "restless leg".  Not sure if there is a correlation or not.


I am going to try the aspercreme and naprocyn.  My leg muscles are worse than ever...BUT, on a positive note...the burning nerves are coming and going more rapidly...and do not seem to be as bad when they come.  I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THIS!


Something that I have done for the past week is, at bedtime...I take either 3 l-tryptophan  or 2  5-HTP, along with some melatonin.  The fact that I can sleep at all, with my legs hurting as much as they do...I do think these things have helped me.



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Has anyone heard an update on 'clickclack'. I read a recent post by him and he sounded pretty distraught. When I read posts like this, I feel so bad because I know how he feels, I just don't know what kind of advice to give. I will say that there are so many knowledgable people on this forum and I'm always glad to see that someone can give answers to situations like this. He sounds very frightened and he is worried about how he stands since he accidentally upped his Valium dose. Thanks to everyone who came through for him. I had a difficult time with my Valium taper when I got down to 1.5mg and after a week, I  had to go back up to 2mg because of w/d problems. I remember how awful I felt, as though I were a complete failure. My wife remembers this too. I really hope that click can get his latest situation straightened out, or, at least accept what happened and be able to move on...
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i have had this leg pain and lived with it for a year as my family md blew me off. I also had to do alot of walking at my job and I could barely complete my shift. I would come home my legs in such pain and just cry. my legs were all result of side effect of bp pill norvasc. However, I did a lot of reading on leg pain and numbness tingling in legs. I started to take cq 10 and it made a difference yes it did. there was one other pill i took with it and it made my legs better wish i could remember what it was  I know it had magnesium in it. both those two meds helped my legs so much. I did lots of research on internet as at first i thought my legs were result of lipitor statin damage. try cq 10 it will help


I know exactly where you are it. I did have to resign  from my job due to chronic disease of 24 yrs that progressed on me. I remember though the walking I could barely make my shift as an RN . Hang in there. I truly feel for legs I would go to health food store and aske their consultant. magnesium and calcium I believe would help. you definately need a supplement to help your legs it WILL HELP so go to store and ask them they will get you a supplement please try it. vicky good luck

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Hello every one  :)  Any one able to drink alcohol after being off ?? ???  I am at 6 months now...I reallly want a glass of wine..but too scared !!  I am feeling better all the time and dont want to jinx it !!  Still have an off day here and there..but I am able to get through it :thumbsup:  Amazing how I dont get all overwhelmed as easy as I used too...even when I would just talk to people I would feel horrible and all dizzy....no problem at all now !!!!    :yippee:   
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Too scared to tempt fate with alcohol yet, still having some s/x also five months out.  May never have a drink again - doesn't bother me now.  Would be nice to have that freedom again though, just in case I felt a desire to have a wine or two.
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Hey Mel.  I had two glasses of wine on St. Pat's day without any significant issue.  I think last weekend I had one glass of wine with dinner and it was not a problem.  The only thing I'd say is that I did not feel any "high" or light buzz after the two glasses of wine like I might have felt in the past.  Yet I was happy that I did not tail spin into cog fog either :o:D;).   I know what you mean about feeling a little cog fog with lots of people and conversation, that has occasionally been a problem for me in the last couple months.  I'm still having some minor gi symptoms at five months off, some anxiety and some fatigue.   Next encounter with the spirits will actually be in your neck of the woods in a couple weeks, wedding to go to in Texas next month :yippee:.  To be sure, I am not advocating alcohol for anyone who may not feel ready for it.


Cheers (or not ;))


V (no more)


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I agree Vertigo. If you don't drink, don't start. I do enjoy a glass of dark, red wine in the evenings. I just make sure I drink this slowly. I think they call that, milking it? I pore 3/4 glass and I finish this in 2 hours. I know this sounds ridiculously slow, but I've never had problems drinking it this way. I have to admit, that even when I was taking my Benzo, I drank wine this way. Please, others, don't get any ideas!!! The only time I did not drink, PERIOD, was when my med situation was completely out of control. That was back before I realized that it was the Benzo I was taking that was causing me nervous distress. At the time, I thought it was the Remeron I was taking, so, I tried tapering that. HUGE MISTAKE!!!! Remeron is an A/D and I really put my CNS into havock!!! I had no guidance from my doctors so this was trial and error. It took me 2 or 3 months to stabilize. All this occurred during the fall of 2009 when Hollidays occur. I had no desire to drink during this time period. Meljo, the best advice is to not drink. When you feel ready, a non-sweet wine would be best. I drink a merlot or a burgundy. Try a few sips, and if any bad reactions occur, STOP IMMEDIATELY! Are you taking any other medications? You may want to consider these also, if you decide to drink.

Hope this helps.

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I agree Pan that if one is going to have a drink, one might want to exercise caution and do so slowly and gradually. Also, not on an empty stomach to start!  Like you said, maybe one glass over an hour or more but best might be to not drink, at least the first six months post taper.  Yet, Mel asked so that was "my" experience thus far.  I had a few drinks in December (six weeks post taper).  Can't prove any connection but did end up with Shingles from a variety of stressful situations at the end of last year.   Seem to have tolerated two glasses of wine a couple weeks ago at four months off and then one glass a week later without negative consequence.  As many know, a glass of red wine on occasion is purported to be heart healthy.   However, I'm taking it slowly from here and in moderation :thumbsup:.





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Thanx yall !! I would rather have several drinks for the actual effects  :laugh:  I miss getting my drink on !!  Any how...I will wait...Better safe than sorry !!   
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Alcohol affects the GABA receptors the same way benzos do. It's the only w/d that's more dangerous than benzo wd (for long term hard core alcoholics). Drinking delays the healing process. It can also ramp symptoms or throw the person back into full-blown w/d. It's also recommended that a person post-w/d abstain for at least 6 months. I'm too lazy to cite my sources but this information is all based on research I've found.


I had a drink 6 months after my last dose and paid for it. Then again a couple months later. Then over the holidays I really ramped up my tinnitus again by having several drinks. This month, (14 months out) I had 2 wine spritzers over a couple of weeks and they were the first ones that didn't cause my tinnitus to get worse!  My headache came back right around the same time, though, so I'm afraid the wine caused it. I really don't like having it back 24/7!  It'll be a long time before I have another drink.


Everyone reacts differently but I always tell everyone to not risk it.



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