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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Highly Sensitised


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I am highly sensitised at the moment every other sound makes me jump, when I'm in this state is the aim to avoid aggrevating the nervous system at all costs? So even if it means virtually locking myself away in my room, is that what is required to help calm / repair my nervous system? I don't want to be in this state any longer than I need to be so if that's what's required that's what I'll do.


I just can't even talk to my kids for a few minutes before my nerves start playing up, they're just RAW, and if I try to push on through I just feel AWFUL aftewards.





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I was diagnosed with PTSD, and this is how I was before I started taking a Benzo. I'm now trying to take it one day at a time, and when I am ready, I will attempt a taper of my .5 mg a day.


I send a :hug: and I empathise. I know how scary and unnerving it can be. I hope you will be OK.

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Stuck, I am going through the same thing and I have two daughters in elementary school.  I am sick with worry and fear about their well being.  It is hard to parent through defiance because I'm so sensitive to conflict. I find myself with a pit in my stomach feeling worrying over them, over analyzing everything. I wake up with a feeling of dread. I also am sensitive and have a startle response to sounds, movements, noises. Do you find the same?
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Hang in there it will go away.  I had everything you just described.  Even the slightess sound my whole body would jump.  When people would stop by to see how I was doing I couldnt take it.  I could feel this mass of energy building up inside of me that I couldnt explain.  Not good energy either, like high anxiety .  But it went away and it will for you as well.  Good luck.  Never quit.
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I feel the EXACT same way. Light, noise, people, any stimulation whatsoever, causes overload, and I feel like Im whigging out. I spend most of my time in bed since Jan 2. It lifts sometimes for a few hours.
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Hang in there it will go away.  I had everything you just described.  Even the slightess sound my whole body would jump.  When people would stop by to see how I was doing I couldnt take it.  I could feel this mass of energy building up inside of me that I couldnt explain.  Not good energy either, like high anxiety .  But it went away and it will for you as well.  Good luck.  Never quit.


Off topic, but I want out, your avatar is awesome!

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That is a nice avatar.


What helps me in my noise sensitivity?  Quiet. Private bedroom, with a white noise generator/fan. (Actual fan- the 'white noise generators you purchase in stores are just overly priced fans).


And some meditation/relaxation.  Soothing music CDs help too.

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