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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Need to help getting off Lorazepam


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I've started taking Lorazepam 0.5 mg in 2010 per day mostly during the workdays due to job stress. A couple of months ago, due to ever increasing stresses and inability to cope, I've started taking more and more until somewhere around mid December 2014, I found myself going to 2.5mg lorazapam on certain days. Another day would be only 1, then the next day would be 1.5, next day 2.5 and so on. But, a month into it, I am realizing that the body has gotten used to 2.5 mg, and a few days ago, a drop to 1.5mb felt like I was wired on max dose of an SSRI, with tremors, shaking chills and increased blood pressure and sweating. Return to 2.5mg/day eliminated the problems. So, since I've not used the stuff long, I'd like to taper back to my original dose of 0.5 M-Fri, and then gradually get off of that, too [\b]
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Welcome to the forum, LorazepamFree2015.


Typically benzodiazepine doses are increased with time as we become tolerant to them.  Nearly all of us on the forum had our original doses escalated over time as well as we hit tolerance (when the drugs no longer work).  And yes, our bodies get used to a higher dose very quickly... it's definitely a slippery slope with these, as you've seen by eliminating your withdrawal symptoms by upping your dose again.


You might like to check out the Ashton Manual, an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


To get started posting on the boards, you may want to click this link to General Taper Plans.


Please take some time to Create a Signature. This will help other members understand you history so they will be better able to support you.

Go to the top of the page and select Profile, then choose Forum Profile, insert drug history/timelines into the text box and click Change Profile.


Take care,

Challis  :)

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Hello LorazepamFree2015,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


As Challis said reaching tolerance with benzos is a very common scenario and increasing the dosage usually only gives very temporary relief so you're wise to be thinking of a taper. Benzos are intended for short term use, say 2/4 weeks, so quite possibly the Lorazepam is doing very little to help with the stress now, in fact long term benzo use can exacerbate anxiety problems.


Most members here follow Professor Ashton's protocol for tapering which involves cuts of no more than 10% of the current dosage every 10 to 14 days according to how they are feeling. Some members taper quicker than this and some slower but certainly tapering slowly is the way to go to ensure that the withdrawal effects are kept to a minimum.


It might be an idea, from here, to try to make a point of taking the same dose of the Ativan (Lorazepam) every day as inconsistent dosing or taking varying amounts will confuse your brain and can contribute to interdose withdrawal symptoms which basically means withdrawal symptoms can be experienced between doses. Consistent dosing is important once you begin tapering to ensure that you keep the blood benzo level as smooth as possible, this makes for a smoother taper.


You'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance here, I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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  • 4 months later...


Can you describe the tremors you had before you reinstated? And did you have them in interdose withdrawal?


I am asking because ten weeks after I c/t 1mg K after 7 yrs of daily use I still have hand (and other limb ) tremors.

Did you also have tremors in interdoes withdrawal?



Good luck!


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When I did a quick drop to 1.5mg, I got these internal tremors (wasn't visible externally) and this awful electric shock feeling where I felt like I could not move and grabbed lorazepam and a beta blocker (propanolol) in panic. It felt I was going to stay frozen like that forever. That is the reason why I am tapering very slowly now.
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