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I am seeking some answers.  I need to structure my day.  It seems everything I try I fail to be a success.  I know I should be doing more to get better.  I sleep late - I am afraid to wake up because the excruciating pain starts when I open my eyes.  I avoid getting up and so my day is very short.  How did you cope with the vise-like grip on your brain?  I have been told to limit what I try to do and survive.  But really is there not something else I can be doing to get out of the hellish like life and speed up the process?  There has got to be an answer from some of you that will kick start my healing. I am tired of sitting around waiting for my brain to heal.  I am not ready to accept that it is just TIME.  I am so frustrated hearing that word and I just know there is a way to get my brain healed more quickly.  I just want any of you who are further along in their healing process to let me know what I can do to get out of this faster than just sitting around pretty much doing nothing waiting and waiting and waiting.  I am doing the best I can but I just am sure there is some way to get my life back faster than what I am doing now.  I am 6 months off the benzo and yet I am still numb and zombie like all the time.  Thanks.

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Exercise helped me. Do whatever exercise you are able to even if that means walking around your house.. Start slow then buildup to walking around the neighborhood. If you can jog, if not then walk. Get moving ... Get your heart rate up. You'll start feeling better . Exercise releases endorphins and increases seratonin levels in the brain ( the feel good chemicals).


Give it a shot

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Hi dolphins


I don't think it matters what you do as long as you occupy yourself when awake. Exercise of course is good if you can do that. I can't do any physical activity and am very limited cognitively. If I try to push myself my symptoms just get much worse, I get upset and feel miserable because I can't do simple things. I really spend most of my time posting on BB and doing word puzzles. I play online scrabble with friends. You need to choose activities that you enjoy and are capable of doing just now.  I don't think this will hasten your recovery but it just helps to pass the time.  I have spells of excessive sleeping and just accept it. It generally coincides with worse symptoms so I am glad to sleep.  You really have to work out what works best for you and your current level of functioning.  I try to listen to my brain/body and go at the pace they dictate rather than the pace I would like.


My days have little structure apart from meal times but my erratic sleeping pattern often means meal times have to be super flexible.




LF  :smitten:

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