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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

15 month update.


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Hello all,


I hit the 15 month mark on Jan. 9th. Am pleased to say that I'm pretty much recovered, or at the least 95% there. Still a few lingering problems. My God, I never thought I'd get here for so long.

I'm still having some memory problems, but the cognitive functions are probably back to 90% or so.

I AM having a few emotional issues, still cry sometimes when hit by particularly strong emotions. Still get a bit over angry when doing things and they don't go just perfect.

But... at least now I can understand where that's coming from. After being on the benzo's and opiates for so long it's only natural that it will take some time to learn to deal with the strong emotional situations again.

I have not had any physical symptoms to speak of for about 6 weeks now. I do pray that this is not just a long window, and that I've finally reached the end to that side of it.

I have learned not to jump the gun and say I'm all better now. I did that quite a few times, and when it came back again I think it made it that much worse.

I have gone through some things over the last 4 months that had they happened a year ago, I just don't know what I would have done.

Had fusion surgery in late July last year.

My ex committed suicide mid August.

My 33 year old son died the week before Christmas.

My best friend was found dead in his Semi(he was an over the road trucker) on Christmas eve.

But you know what?

I was able to deal with it all in a relatively normal way!


So folks, there is hope. We do recover!


Keep the faith!

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Wow. You have really been through the wringer.  Glad to hear you're doing better.  Like you, I was taking Xanax during opioid withdrawal, then went off, not knowing what to expect.  I hope your sense of being healed continues.  I feel that way some days but not today.  Today it seems like I am never ever going to be well.  Just so much fatigue....
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Bless your heart!  So sorry for your lose of your precious loved ones.  I'm so glad that your feeling well.  I'll be praying for you!



Peace and healing,

Deborah.  :angel:

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Wow Finally!


We are nearly on the same timeline, aren't we? It took SO LONG to see a light at the end of the tunnel... You probably already know this, but:

Do NOT let the Dr. give you anything that messes with your head. I made the mistake right after the surgery of letting the Dr. put me on Wellbuterin to quit smoking. BAD IDEA!!!!!!!!!!! Set the freaking w/d's off something terrible.

I do have the fatigue problem pretty badly also, but I'm pretty sure that a good part of that is being so terribly out of shape!  :)

Hell, I darn near lived in the bed for a year! I've been a lot more active over the last 2 months, mainly because I HAD to, and it's getting much better. If you can make yourself exercise even just a tiny bit I think it would help. But I'm sure there is a bit of a benzo component to it also.

I pray you get through the rest of it quickly(for me to  :-X )


Keep the Faith!

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Thank you Snow,


To quote a line from a book I once read, "We get over it because God makes us".

You are all in my prayers.

And I don't think God does anything without a reason. We may not understand it, but hey, that's just the way it is!  ???


Keep the Faith!



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Thanks, Vickers.  Don't worry, I don't plan to let docs put me on anything ever again.  I think the Lexapro I was on briefly blocked the effects of the Oxycodone so that I ended up taking a higher dose for a longer time than the rest of the people having knee replacement surgery.  I tapered off of 60 mg of Oxy in three weeks and only spent two going off Lexapro.  I cold turkeyed Xanax because I really thought the very small dose I was taking (1.5-2.50 mg per week) was so small.  I guess maybe the length of time I was doing this (five years) was my downfall.


I've had period where I was doing a lot of exercising, trying to get back to the gym and dance class, but this fatigue as a symptom is something that only hit at 14 months and in terms of what I can do or not do, really makes me feel like I've taken a step backward.


I'm very sorry for your losses too.  I have a son 35 and another 29 so I can relate to losing a 33 year old.


I really hope my story will take a turn for the better here so it can be more inspiring for YOU!

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That's great news Vicks. I am at 14 months just behind you. Unfortunately in a horrible wave at the moment, just about a week now. I made the mistake of saying I was cured in November, but that long window closed. You say you have been good for 6 weeks, I think you are all set. For me, I've noticed this crap has a one month rhythm to it. I think it's very unlikely to come back on you. I hope I can join you soon in health. I feel so far from it now.


Did you just suddenly get better and start feeling awesome or were you a little better each month and then just got all better. Curious. Thanks!

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I just wanted to say it is so hopeful to read your post!! You are an incredibly strong person to go through all of the withdrawal and all of the losses of your loved ones. I'm so very sorry for your losses and all you've had to go through! But I have to thank you for your post and for what you wrote about God having a reason for everything. It's so hard believing that right now in the thick of all of this. Thank you for the hope and for sharing! Thank you so very much and I'll be praying for you!  :angel:
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