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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Anyone know why waking from sleep and the mornings are so bad.


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This is hard to explain because even though I can sleep  8 hours  each night I always wake up with something in my brain


telling me to stay asleep and I literally have to force myself to wake up otherwise I'd either go back to sleep or just stay in


bed rather than face the day full of symptoms. I can even nap during the day if the going gets too much just to shut it all


out for a while. It's as though my brain is trying to escape in sleep rather than endure withdrawal. 


The past 13 months off have been a torture and I am quite worn our mentally and physically, but thankfully I am, at last,


getting a few hours of small windows late at night when I feel reasonable. It's such a relief.


My questions are:


1. Does anyone else  have this ?

2. Why is waking up so hard, and why do we feel so bad after sleep?

3. Is this sleep part of,  and good for, healing?



Thank you.












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1. I've had it, and I still get it occasionally after I've cut down.


2. I'm guessing that Benzos really do mess with the 'sleeping program'/script in our brains. For me, for months, I had to force myself out of bed. The worst times I was so fatigued I could only crawl out of bed to go use the bathroom. On benzos- we generally don't get the really restful sleep.


3. I can't really say for sure. As I've not gotten off my Ativan yet. But any sleep is better than none.

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I dont know why the mornings are so terrible, but I have the same experience. I am wracked with an acute chemical anxiety and can barely move when I wake up. Sometimes I cant get out of bed til noon. The anxiety stays with me all day sometimes, or it may let up by mid-afternoon, when I go for a walk outside. I think I am in acute, so Im hoping things will improve once I jump, or shortly thereafter. But who knows? So, you are not alone in your morning suffering. It sucks big time!!!!!!!BTW, I have not been able to work during the second half of my taper which started in about August. The w/d sxs got too strong and unpredictable.
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Psychiatrists and psychologists acknowledge that mornings (upon waking) trigger anxiety, whether you're on medication or not.  The physiological reason is because you go from sleep (dreamland) to waking (reality) and the chemicals to go into and out of sleep are just different.  We bound out of bed if we have something to look forward to, like vacation, but if we're in a super-anxious state, these are not things to look forward to. We have to change our brains. We have to work on a positive outlook. It's hard, I know, but we have to try.
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In the morning our brains and healthy folks get what im dimple terms is like a systematic check of the body. Neuro chemicals and all so one of them is cortisol and because we dont have very stable chemical functionality as it is the cortisol starts a sort of chain reaction of anxieties and adrenal rushes :)
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