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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hi, my name is Katie. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and my "psychiatrist" put me in an extremely rapid taper of Klonopin. I was taking 2mg/day for anxiety and panic before pregnancy. I told her I was pregnant 2 weeks ago and she said I had to get off of the drug in less than a week. Needless to say, I am feeling awful. I feel like I'm losing it. I am desperate for support from people who may have been where I am and have gotten through it. Thank you for this amazing place where people can go to get help when the rest of the world doesn't understand.




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Hello Katie82,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies and congratulations on your pregnancy.


Since your situation is different, being pregnant, we advise you to work closely with your doctor, especially your OB. 


Have you stopped taking clonazepam completely? Your dose of this medication was pretty high so you virtually did a cold turkey. While not the recommended method for withdrawal, usually a slow taper is the way to go, you have to consider your pregnancy and baby's health.


I'm sorry you feel horrible, but it's understandable.  You will be able to communicate with people who do understand what you are going through.  I did a cold turkey once so I do know just how awful it can be.


With time, you will see improvements and the symptoms will ease up.  Your system needs to reset and return to balance.


I'm going to give you a link to the Ashton Manual. While it does talk about withdrawal, it also gives information on what to expect during the recovery period. It was written by an expert in the field.


I'll also give you a link to the Cold Turkey, Detox, Rapid Withdrawal board. 


Please feel free to ask questions, we're here to help. Hang in there Katie!


The Ashton Manual


Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal 



pianogirl  :smitten:

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Hi pianogirl :)


Thank you for being so calm and reassuring. And thank you for the links.


I very much curse the day took my first benzo. If they had only told me what I would have to go through, I would have never taken them.


I have an appt with my OB on Feb 10th. I am still on .25mg/day right now. I have been for the last 3 days. My psychiatrist told me to do this all within a few days. I have dragged it out an extra week and a half by weaning slower than she wanted me to. I'm running low on the Klonopin so I'll be out very soon.


I asked her about withdrawals and she looked at me like I was stupid and said, "You'll be fine, you're weaning yourself off." I was so mad. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I want nothing more than my baby to be safe.


Thank you again :)



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You are very welcome Katie.


I'm sorry for the comment you received from your psychiatrist. If I had a dime for every time someone said I wouldn't have withdrawal due to my low dose I'd be a rich woman right now.  ::)  Some people can withdraw without severe effects, others do have issues that can take a while to resolve.


I feel the same way as you,  I regret seeing the ENT that first gave me Ativan.  We can't change the past but we can forge a new and better future.  Being benzo free and healed is a wonderful thing, you will see that as well.


I'm glad you are seeing your OB soon.


pianogirl  :)

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Welcome Katie and congratulations on your pregnancy.  I can see your dilema, as much as you need to be off those pills you also need to take care of yourself as well and I'm sure the stress of all this isn't helping.  There are a lot of great people on here with more wisdom than I and hopefully they can help you.  Take care of yourself.


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Howdy :).  Hang in there and it will get better.  You and the ankle biter in your belly will both be healthier and happier without these meds.  Stay strong and keep fighting.  It's worth it
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