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I couldn't take it anymore


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The symptoms were getting completely unbearable, so I went ahead and took an extra .2mg yesterday.  Feeling even worse today.  I read that you can go up to where you last felt ok and hold there.  But I've also read that this sometimes doesn't help and can even make it harder to get off.  What should I do?  I really can't handle this anymore.
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You ditched the last 1.5 mgs pretty quick. You could still be reeling from last cut you did, the full w/d kicking in and .2 May not be enough to catch it. Some on here may tell you to tough it out because of your short term use but if I were you I'd go to the last dose you felt stable at and explore a slow liquid titration from there.

I know we all want off ASAP but for me I have to function, make $, feed the family. If this takes 2 years and I'm able to take care of my family, so be it. I've got patience. Good luck!

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Yeah, your body is telling your something.  You can either slow down or try to grind through it (as Billly said).  Avoid rescue doses.  If you're going to up-dose to (e.g.) 0.5, and begin a slower taper, that's fine.  Just don't go back to 0.25 and take extra doses when you think that you need them.


I'm not a big fan of switching methods late in a taper.  I've seen a fair number of people have problems with doing late crossovers or switching from dry to liquid late in their taper. 


fwiw - a single 'rescue-dose' of 0.2mg isn't enough to bring you back up to where you were when you were taking 0.5 mg every day.  It takes well over a week for valium levels to equilibrate in your body.  If your symptoms were really slamming you at 0.25, you might go back to 0.5 for a week and see how you feel.  Give it the full week before making any decisions.

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Yeah, your body is telling your something.  You can either slow down or try to grind through it (as Billly said).  Avoid rescue doses.  If you're going to up-dose to (e.g.) 0.5, and begin a slower taper, that's fine.  Just don't go back to 0.25 and take extra doses when you think that you need them.


I'm not a big fan of switching methods late in a taper.  I've seen a fair number of people have problems with doing late crossovers or switching from dry to liquid late in their taper. 


fwiw - a single 'rescue-dose' of 0.2mg isn't enough to bring you back up to where you were when you were taking 0.5 mg every day.  It takes well over a week for valium levels to equilibrate in your body.  If your symptoms were really slamming you at 0.25, you might go back to 0.5 for a week and see how you feel.  Give it the full week before making any decisions.



Yep. That's what I think is the thing to do. :thumbsup: Bets

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You've been cutting 25% every week or two. That's way too big of a cut. Are u dry cutting or liquid daily tapering? If u were liquid tapering u could  slow ur rate to .01-.02 mg/ day.


I agree w/ the others. Go back up to ,5 and hold until u stabilize and then do a very slow taper.

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I would like to be more specific with my doses.  I have 10mg tabs, so I'm not even sure what the exact amount is.  All I know is I was taking crumbs and I had my friend guess with me what the percentage was.  My brain is so fried I couldn't understand the instructions on how to do the liquid thing.  I guess I'll have to find a dr to  prescribe 2 mg pills. 
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Yeah, I did some calculations and I found that I took a 40% dip with mine in around 2 weeks.  I'm feeling the effects now but they are just bearable.  I plan on staying at this level for at least a week or two.  I've always been a fast healer, so I'm hoping this passes quickly.
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