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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Reinstating/short term


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Does anyone have any info on what might happen if I were to take a few doses of Valium for a few days?  I am now in month 7 of withdrawal and doing quite well.  Because I cannot predict my sleep, I have elected for now not to travel.  Don't want to be tired, in a hotel and have wasted the effort and money.  I am thinking of taking a trip in May, month 11.  Don't want to set myself back much but really tired of my life being on hold.  Want the escape just in case.


Like I said, I am now in month 7 after 13 years on xanax.  It has been awful, as you all know, but I elatedly can say I feel pretty good now.  Lots of windows when I feel like my many years ago self.  I have to pull back frequently now and tell myself not to go too fast.  I do still have bad days after little sleep.  Fewer and fewer, thank God. 


If I can get here, so can you!  A year ago I wouldn't have even hoped I could be this far.  Hang in there!  Do not give up or give in! 

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I would not start relying on "rescue doses", especially since you're doing "quite well".  Too many people have gone from rescue dose to complete reinstatement. Dependency is tricky.


Best to keep moving forward.


Really glad you're doing so well.  :)

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Your doing well that's great rejoice in that.  Please don't take any benzo it's fake sleep that you get from it.  You don't want any regrets or to mess up your healing.



Peace and healing,


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You're really an inspiration to me, I mean how well you've recovered.  I'm 2 months into a taper off .5 mg. Klonopin that will probably last a little more than a year, and I'm suffering terribly.


I would not risk taking Valium; the risks are not worth any short-term gains you may get, just like taking Benzos in the first place (though we didn't know any better).  If you decide not to take it, maybe you should get rid of it so you won't be tempted in the future.  Don't want to see you have a setback; you've come so far. 



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There are non benzo ways to tackle the sleep problem, if sleep is your major concern, supplements or milder meds like doxylamine help some.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I would agree "rescue" doses should be avoided at all cost. Look how far you have come. You are doing "well". There other things that are sedating for sleep other than a benzodiazepine. I would look at finding something else for the insomnia. I take a small dose of serequel for sleep.
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