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Can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I have!  And I'm confident you will too.  I'm basing this on reading other people's success stories.
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Can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I have!  And I'm confident you will too.  I'm basing this on reading other people's success stories.


do you remember when they came back?? :smitten:

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I was pretty much a zombie emotionally until I was ten months off of Oxycodone and two months off of Xanax.  I had a three day window where I suddenly thought, "Holy shit!  I have been through hell!  I have been feeling terrible about myself and I don't deserve that."  It was a brief window of clarity and I was so sorry when it closed.  But little by little, my true self has been coming back to me.  It's just a long, horrid process, Sussie, but you will feel so glad when you greet yourself coming back to you and can start believing in your own healing. :smitten:
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