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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Cry baby?


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Who else cries everyday? Geeze!  I've cried more since being in tolerance WD and since jumping CT than I have in the last 10 years! I start out with just a little thought (usually worry over my kids), which then becomes this huge, irrational worry....then I'm sick to my stomach and filled with despair and the only outlet to escape the torment I create in my mind is a good cry!
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I was the same way.  Wah wah wah at the drop of a hat.  Maybe it's the body's way of forcing a release of serotonin.  Whatever the reason, a lot of us go through it and it does go away. 


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Crying is a gift from god or nature. I never am unhappy about it, and always better off for it.  But I don't have kids. I'd be so glad if that were my symptom. I fear the others so much more.


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When I started this journey, I was a 280lb man with a beard. And I cried EVERY DAY. However...There may be some science to it. When we cry, my guess is its usually due to cortisol. The feelings become son intense and we are overwhelmed. So what can we do to lower cortisol? Cry!!!


Cry cry cry. If you feel better after you cry, its because it was lowering your cortisol levels. Don't be ashamed! It helps.

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Count me in the crying club.  I used to dread having to do it because it meant I was back in the total black pit of despair.  A few months back when I posted about it, though, people said cancer nurses had told them it releases stress hormones.  So now if I have to cry, I don't stop it and I don't let my husband try to make me stop just so HE'LL feel better.  I will know I'm completely well when the need to cry like this goes away for good.
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I was crying again today, while driving.  And talking to God or the Universe or greater power... asking for a sign that all would be ok.  In waves, I cry daily.  It's therapeutic for me and I'm no longer ashamed.  It's our culture that shames us.


This withdrawal has stripped me naked to the core.  It's a crash course in Life.


Feeling sad is part of the human spectrum of emotions and necessary for healthy balance in our lives.


I'm glad now that I can cry.  During my taper and a couple months into the w/d process, I couldn't cry at all, and that scared me more.

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I bet there are tons of benzo related prayer requests going up to God! I'm not ashamed if the crying, it is just shocking to me how much I gave needed to cry do to the overwhelming emotions. I agree about it being thereupetic. I can imagine it being scary if I wasnt able to cry.
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I have cried a lifetime of tears....I could drown in them. 15 years of blunted emotions (from SSRI's then benzo's) sit so close to the surface now. I like it. I don't like that I'm sad enough to cry, but I certainly like that I can feel again.
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Kiddo--yeah, I was on Lexapro only briefly, and I really hated the way it flattened me out.  I couldn't cry out of sentiment.  That was one drug I had no trouble going off of.  I never felt anything but better and more alive as I tapered over only a few weeks.  I remember the first time I choked up over a sappy TV commercial and thought, Yay, I'm off of Lexapro!
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That's great FG!!! I haven't been that fortunate with Paxil. I've been tapering for 2 years with LOTS of side effects and is what led me to benzo's  :-[ robbing Peter to pay Paul.
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I cried more while I was taking the Ativan. I don't cry everyday now. Usually cry when good times end and it gets bad again. Makes me so sad. I miss my old life Saw new doctor yesterday who said it is probably the withdrawal and the viral Hyperthyrodism  I had that are causing symptoms. Said it will probably take a year from when my labs got normal for me to feel totally normal again. That's just the thyroid part. Who knows what symptoms are from what.  Wish we all weren't in this mess  So frustrating
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Kiddo- reading the boards makes me realize how very differently we're all wired.  I know some people have a terrible time getting off of Lexapro.  And then I'll read about people being on Prednisone all the time and I just shudder because ten days of Prednisone made me absolutely manic.  It was actually kind of fun because it was like medical euphoria or something.  I thought everything I touched turned to gold!  My ideas were all brilliant!  I looked brilliant too!  Younger even!  Of course I was completely hyped up, writing on a book in the middle of the night.  But I was so productive!  It's amazing how much easier writing is if you're not berating yourself through the whole process.  It all came to an end, though, when I went off the meds.  My doctor was alarmed.  Said I should never be put on it again for fear of going manic and never coming back.


People will probably look back on this as the Dark Ages of Psych Meds, where things were prescribed on a one size fits all basis.  Maybe someday they'll figure out how we're different and who will do best on what.

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