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Help with dose mix-up - one day only!!


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Hi all,

I overslept this a.m. - a good thing I guess! But in my rush to take the overdue a.m. dose of .4375 I grabbed the bottle of .5 mg clon and took one.... Even though I had doses divided into a pill container, I just forgot!!  Now I need to make up the difference over the course of the day.  Would you:

1) switch the doses around and do .4375 mid-day and .4375 at bedtime  OR

2) cut .125 from mid day dose so I can still take the .5 at bedtime as I have been doing all along?


It's not that big a deal but just wondering if any of you have had similar screw-ups and what you have done to compensate.  I'll be OK either way.  ;)


Thanks BB's!!!  :smitten:

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Hi there,


I've done a similar thing to what you've done when I was tapering, it's easily done and I'm sure that a one off mistake will have no effects on the taper.


If I was you, I would reduce my midday dosage by 0.125 to compensate and then take my 0.5 mg at bedtime as usual. This way you know that you're keeping a consistent dosage of the klonopin in your bloodstream but as I said I doubt you'll notice any ill effects.


I hope this helps.



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Thank you Debbie!

That is my instinct as well...  :)  And good to hear from someone who successfully tapered. All the best to you,


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Thank you Debbie!

That is my instinct as well...  :)  And good to hear from someone who successfully tapered. All the best to you,




Ahh, thank you Mana, that's very kind of you  :)


Good luck with the rest of your taper  :thumbsup:



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If it were me, I would do nothing different to compensate because the updose was very small. This has happened to me a couple of times and I didn't want to really screw my schedule so I just pretended it didn't happen and went back to my normal schedule. No difference in my feelings. Bets
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Thank you Bets..just saw this.  Hmm......Will check again when it's time for mid-day dose and see what others have to say.  I do see your point.  Thank you for thinking about it!  :)



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Hi all,

Case closed...I cut the mid-day dose by .125 and will take the .5 at bedtime.  Thanks for helping me think this through!!


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