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Switching to Daily Water Titration.


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Can anyone give me any bits of advice or experience on what switching over to a water titration was like?


I dry cut down to 9.25mg of Valium from 15mg... and then last night decided I am going to go the daily water titration route, given that dry cutting was getting to be too difficult.


Starting by diluting my 2mg Valium pill in 200mL of water and pulling 2mL a day... so .02g day or 2mg in 100 days.... is this a good place to start?


Thanks :)

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Daily liquid titration is probably an excellent plan.  Just FYI, I did cut-and-hold from 15, down to 9, then started a daily liquid taper.


But diazepam (Valium) is NOT water soluble.  At 9 mg, I tried water titration 3 time, and failed each time.


There are other methods of liquifying your V dose that are a far better alternative... Rx-grade liquid V, milk, alcohol, suspension agents (OraPlus/OraSweet).


Search BB Diaz-Pam for extensive info on doing daily liquid tapers.


Addendum-link: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=24896

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Would oraplus be similar to vodka, in that I'd dissolve my valium pill in a mL of it and go from there?


ps: how did you know it was failing you and how long did it take to find out?

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1) Would oraplus be similar to vodka, in that I'd dissolve my valium pill in a mL of it and go from there?


2) ps: how did you know it was failing you and how long did it take to find out?


1) As I noted, OraPlus/OraSweet are suspension agents.  They allow you to create a suspension (as opposed to a solution) with your tablets.  OraPlus and similar suspension agents are commonly used in the pharma-industry and by compounding pharmacies to make liquid versions of dry meds.  But OraPlus is available retail without a scrip.  The alcohol method, OTOH, creates a true solution, that can then  be further diluted with water (or other liquids, such as fruit juice.)


  I strongly urge you to read the material on Diaz-Pam's page


2) Because about 6-8 days following even a very small cut using water titration, I would be hit with overwhelming, unrelenting, unbearable withdrawal sxs.  I guess when your sxs are so unbearable that you are forced to updose and reinstate your original dose, it isn' too hard to determine that you have failed!

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Well, going to give the water titration a shot and see what happens... just making sure I shake it well and pull right away.


Let you guys know how it goes.

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Builder, did you chalk that up to just getting unreliable dosages with your Valium? I think I may try the Vodka route again, don't know.
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This is the stuff? So take a mL of this, mix it with the 2mg pill, and then mix THAT with the water?


Yeah, that's the stuff.  Obviously, you can get it from Amazon, but its probably available from your local pharmacy as well.  I bought a bottle before I started by liquid taper, but never used it (My doc gave me scrips for Rx-grade liquid V).  The OraPlus is not very tasty, so many folks combine it with this:




Yes, once you have created your suspension with tablets and OraPlus, you can dilute it up tp 1:1 (50%) with water.

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Builder, did you chalk that up to just getting unreliable dosages with your Valium? I think I may try the Vodka route again, don't know.




And if I didn't have access to pharma-grade liquid V, I would definitely have chosen the alcohol method.  That is almost certainly the closest DIY liquid  method to pharma-liquid.

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