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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is the suffering worth it?


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I don't mean to be negative, but I just need to hear from someone who is feeling better... is the suffering to get off the pills worth it?  I keep reading about how some people are still suffering after a year of being off.  I am assuming most of us got in this boat due to anxiety.  Well, I don't think the anxiety is going to disappear once I'm done withdrawing, so then what?  Just suffer with anxiety and panic attacks the rest of my life? 
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I don't mean to be negative, but I just need to hear from someone who is feeling better... is the suffering to get off the pills worth it?  I keep reading about how some people are still suffering after a year of being off.  I am assuming most of us got in this boat due to anxiety.  Well, I don't think the anxiety is going to disappear once I'm done withdrawing, so then what?  Just suffer with anxiety and panic attacks the rest of my life?


Of course you don't just go back to panic and anxiety. You gotta get pro-active and find the underlying problem. Anxiety is just the symptom. Doctors only treat symptoms.

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How do you find out what is causing the anxiety?  I have had prayer and done lots of emotional healing (don't really have a lot of baggage in the first place).  No major traumas.  Just always told "it runs in the family". I'd love to know if you have some information to help point me in the right direction.  Thanks.
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I'm not sure what your age is, but seeing as you were on them a relatively short time (compared to many of us on this site), I can think of so many reasons getting off of them is a good idea.

A few:

1.  If you want to have a child, it's a good idea to get off of them for obvious reasons.

2.  Everyone eventually hits tolerance withdrawal, and needs a higher dose.

3.  Your doctor may decide to quit prescribing them, leaving you in the lurch and forced to cold turkey.....a very bad scene, which has happened to many on this site.

4.  Being dependent on a drug in order to cope is a bad idea for long term.....these drugs were never meant to be a long term solution.

5.  Dealing with whatever is making you anxious instead of relying on drugs is a far better alternative.  Sometimes just making some basic changes in how we take care of ourselves, such as a better diet and exercise can have a profound effect on our psychological well being.


Just a few, I'm sure others will chime in.

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I can only give you a broad spectrum approach as I can only project my own life and learning as well as the 'for the average person' type advice and what worked for me.


I watch a lot of health experts regarding mental illness and also those who have overcome anxieties such as mine. Eventually I found the same underlying pattern they all did.


Most people that have overcome mental illness, unemployment, etc didn't just do it with 'the right attitude', they all made lifestyle modifications with concrete steps.


Many started with looking at their diet and finding what they thought was healthy was actually extremely unhealthy, after they get over this hump, they focus on sleep, than they are able to do proper soul searching and find their purpose, they move forward with these new habits and than start focusing on getting back out in the world and find their old issues/roadblocks simply weren't there. They opened up, created new friendships, reveled in quiet time and enjoyed social interaction which they never thought possible.


Starting point would be to jump on youtube and search for people who overcame your own type of situation and go on your own journey through this library that is the internet. Watching a documentary or presentation is research, no different than school! Eventually you'll have 'A-HA' moments and as you make slight modifications you'll get moving full steam ahead with a concrete foundation that god said to build your house on!

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You have to remember that benzos never cure anything. They will only ever mask symptoms. So if you have underlying issues that caused you to start taking benzos, those issues will still be there when you stop taking benzos.


I can't really offer any advice on what to do about your underlying anxiety, but I do know that benzos are not the answer. They may give short term relief, but sooner or later you will need a higher dose to achieve the same results and eventually you could end up on 20, 30, 50mg - or even more. There are a lot of people on BB like that. Then facing the prospect of doing a taper will be completely overwhelming.


The only piece of advice I can give you is that tapering off valium doesn't have to be painful. Perhaps you might like to consider a daily liquid taper for the remainder of your dose. That might help ease you into the final leg of being benzo free.

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I think we get better and not all of us suffer for long period of time after our taper. I actually personally know a few that tapered and were fine after the taper. They have been fine for a few years now so they are really ok and not in a window. People doing well might not check in with a forum all the time.


I am finding out that most of my anxiety was caused by klonopin, I have yet to have a panic attack in over a year since I have been tapering. But I had panic attacks for years before klonopin So I read lots of books with CBT therapy and if need be see a therapist that use the techniques that I am reading about. I am not afraid of panic anymore, I fear withdrawal way more then panic and anxiety now. But I am also going to be prepared, no more pills for me and I am very happy about that.



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Try to separate from the suffering part.  Personally I have spent a lot of time targeting my sources of anxiety.  Many come from childhood and now I work on dismissing them for healthier coping strategies.  For example growing up, my mom would always say "we don't have enough money."  As a child I could not fully comprehend what this meant.  Now in her old age no matter how much money she has, she's "still broke."  Finances are something many of us stress about.  It can be a useful anxiety because it can prompt us to take action (go to college, get a better job, etc).  I'm still working on releasing my anxiety over money .  It's a process and a constant test. 


The suffering is worth it.  When you feel the fog lift and regain your life you will feel such confidence.  I don't want to just simply say mind over matter, but it kind of is like that. 


I chose to not do the long drawn out taper.  I have decreased my dose by 50% in a matter of two weeks.  Many people say it's too fast and I may suffer later.  I'm not going to look for trouble.  I feel pretty good right now (I always say..could be worse) .  It COULD backlash and hit me in a month .  But I don't let that thought take over. 

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I started feeling better the lower I go- I did not expect that. I have a ways to go but each cut seems to bring a new level of feel better into my life.

This last cut - the am cortosal surges went away. I am going to keep going and see who I will be off the drug that has rules my life for 14 years.

I am not saying it has been easy - just better - many SX come/go- but lessening - or I am just used to them and don't fight them - accept and then grateful when they go or lessen.

What a Journey!

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2.  Everyone eventually hits tolerance withdrawal, and needs a higher dose.




(Almost) everyone develops tolerance.  Most do NOT develop tolerance withdrawal.

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Hi hope I can help .I was originally put on them because I was diagnosed with anxiety .panic attacks and depression .I for the first 8 months of being unwell scoured the Internet .bought numerous books had all sorts of therapy .I was searching for the miracle cure and unfortunately there isn't one .I was also looking for the reason it all started .I searched my past blah , blah. I feel there is no reason as to why just stress of then which causes us to have sensitised nerves .fear also plays a good part it .I believe not to look for answers as why just to want to move forward to recover .It takes hard work .Unfortunately withdrawal can cause re bound anxiety so need to find ways to deal with the anxiety .I think somewhere on here is a section on anxiety .Hope this helps
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