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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Sometimes Xanax makes me weepy...


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Can it do that?


Hi Jerry,


As we all know who've been on it, Xanax is a very powerful drug, and it has many strange effects on us.  Weepiness would be just one of them, for some people.  For me Xanax, and Xanax withdrawal, had the opposite effect.  I wasn't able to produce any tears for several years (though I've never been much of a crier).  Especially in withdrawal, I was in fight-or-flight mode so much of the time, always on the edge, that I had hardly any normal emotions at all.


I think you should seriously consider starting a BuddyBlog.  Many of your threads would be better suited to a blog, IMO.




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I have a blog, nobody looks at it ;)


Can it do that?


Hi Jerry,


As we all know who've been on it, Xanax is a very powerful drug, and it has many strange effects on us.  Weepiness would be just one of them, for some people.  For me Xanax, and Xanax withdrawal, had the opposite effect.  I wasn't able to produce any tears for several years (though I've never been much of a crier).  Especially in withdrawal, I was in fight-or-flight mode so much of the time, always on the edge, that I had hardly any normal emotions at all.


I think you should seriously consider starting a BuddyBlog.  Many of your threads would be better suited to a blog, IMO.




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I have a blog, nobody looks at it ;)


That's good that you've started one.  If you keep on posting there, you'll gradually build up a following.  Every time you or someone else posts there, your blog pops back up to the top.  It may take some time, but people will start reading and responding to it

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Jerry, do you know how to put a link to your blog in your signature?

That way people can just 'click' over to it.  I didn't know you had a blog either.


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Jerry, do you know how to put a link to your blog in your signature?

That way people can just 'click' over to it.  I didn't know you had a blog either.



It's already in there!  :)

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Can it do that?


Well, it IS  a depressant!


Which interestingly is often how it makes me feel.    I can see why folks say Xanax causes anxiety and depression....it brings u down...

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