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Goning to stop smoking for a few months from today.


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I started being a real smoker about 4-5 years ago(1 pack day).before that I would smoke like 5-10 cigs a week.


I started smoking a lot basically due to anxiety and stress I believe.

That is also the reason I couldn't stop.


But now that I feel calmer and off benzos for over a month I will give it a try.


I am going to stop c/t.


wish me luck :)

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DO NOT quit smoking while in withdrawal. Well, cold turkey at least. It will mess you up. Smoking increases cortisol, yes. But it also upregulates dopamine. If you cut out the cigarettes, the anxiety is going to get a lot worse and its not gonna be pretty. I would "taper" off your smokes. Slowly. Talk to CrazyPants about quitting smoking in withdrawal.
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I started supplementing Niacin and it revved my anxiety up so bad that I couldn't go to the shop for rolling papers so I was forced to quit. I was thrown back to acute withdrawal with hallucinations. That was on the 20/12/14 and today is the first day I don't feel like I'm back in acute.


Anyway gl. 

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I was able to quit using e-cigs.  Not sure what the latest consensus on the health ramifications is, but when you're ready you could wean off of the nicotine that way.
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Don't quit smoking while in withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My doctor told me that same thing...."do not quit in withdrawal"

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Don't quit smoking while in withdrawal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My doctor told me that same thing...."do not quit in withdrawal"


Yep! Ashton says it too. You don't wanna rearrange your brain chemicals while they're trying to fix themselves!

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3 days passed.

doing ok


Good on ya Dorian....i think this is a lot of crap....Ashton says don't stop

smoking. I am sure she never meant it the way people are quoting her.


I am 26 months off.....decided to quit today for good.....

sick of this dirty habit.....my ashtrays went into the dustbin, period !


Good luck to both of us.....wish you well. :)

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"I am 26 months off.....decided to quit today for good....."


Didn't understand this so much.

You are 26 months off benzos and going to stop smoking today?

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"I am 26 months off.....decided to quit today for good....."


Didn't understand this so much.

You are 26 months off benzos and going to stop smoking today?


Yep, I'm not going to......i have stopped smoking today....

wish i did it earlier.....might have been better for my WD.

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26 months of benzos?! so you are completely clean!


clean ? well.....okay I suppose we can call it clean.....off any sort of poison

so to speak and i intend to stay that way. :)

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"I am 26 months off.....decided to quit today for good....."


Didn't understand this so much.

You are 26 months off benzos and going to stop smoking today?


Yep, I'm not going to......i have stopped smoking today....

wish i did it earlier.....might have been better for my WD.


That is terrific morreweg. I have managed to cut from a full pack to a half a pack during my withdrawal. How much were you smoking?

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"I am 26 months off.....decided to quit today for good....."


Didn't understand this so much.

You are 26 months off benzos and going to stop smoking today?


Yep, I'm not going to......i have stopped smoking today....

wish i did it earlier.....might have been better for my WD.


That is terrific morreweg. I have managed to cut from a full pack to a half a pack during my withdrawal. How much were you smoking?


Too embarrased to tell you....but more than you for sure.

I've decided since i've done a cold turkey from Benzos might as well do

my second cold turkey. :laugh:


LOL...seriously I'm done with this crap. wish you good luck.....

i tried to reduce cigs in the past but it didn't work. so there you go.... :)

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