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need help with tappering..


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In September I reduced my alprazolam to 0,75 mg (first 1 mg), than after a few weeks I reduced it to 0,5 mg. Now I am still on 0,5 mg. I would like to have advice how to go on now. I have 0,5 mg pills that I break now. I take 0,25 in the morning and one in the evening. But these 0,25 half I can't break it anymore, I must break little peaces out of it to get the 5-10%?


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Ok. .25 and break them on the  line? twice a day is .25 a day.  I am going from .50 to .25. Isn't that too fast?


Yes, that is a big drop, it's a 50% cut which is greater than what most members could manage at the low doses. Have you thought about titration which involves crushing the pill and mixing with fluid, usually milk, although I think xanax is titrated with water, to make a suspension. This way, very small, very accurate cuts can be made. Here's a link to The Titration Taper Plan board where liquid titration is fully explained, have a read of the pink stickies at the top of this board and if you would like to opt for this route you can post here also for assistance with a titration tapering plan. Alternatively I think xanax is available in liquid form, this might be another option for you for ease of very small cuts. You could ask the members on the Xanax support thread about this, Diaz-Pam has given you a link to it. Here's the link to the Titration Taper Plan Board :




I hope this helps,



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