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chronic fatigue help


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Hi I am on day 10 of a cut .yesterday I had chronic  fatigue .when I say fatigue it wasn't like I was tired and wanted to sleep I just couldn't drag myself our of bed all day and when I did my body just didn't want to Co operate I was so drained .I have had this before but not for a while although a lot of days my body feels drained but not as bad as yesterday .Can this be withdrawal thank you .
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Hi Tragaz,


If nothing else can explain the state you found yourself in, I'd think that you indeed experienced a withdrawal symptom. And Extreme fatigue is on the lengthy list of sx.

I'm sorry you had such a bad day yesterday and hope that it passes. I understand your distress regarding everyday fatigue because I have something like that too, although it started before the withdrawal... I began to think it was due to too much benzos in my system, yet I'm still exhausted - but still at the beginning of the taper.


I believe we put our bodies/CNS under a lot of stress with benzo withdrawal, it is not surprising that rest is needed. If it is all withdrawal in your case, I hope the whole fatigue goes away soon!


Take care and let us know how you are doing  :)

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I also am a member of the Chronic Fatique Club, have been for quite a while, sometimes I don't feel to bad but the fatique never seems to leave...even a cup of coffee doesn't help...this has got to be my number one worse sx's.
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Thank you all for replying .If any of you are women I think it sometimes hormonal too .I'm 3 weeks late .I do have fatigue most days but have the odd one like yesterday where I just can't get up I'm not tired or want to sleep just had spend most day in bed .luckily today it has eased off .I had a lot more energy before withdrawal even though the valium made me a bit sedated but not like this .hugs to you all
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