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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Lorazepam and escitalopram user


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Was using lorazepam for about two years then was put on escitalopram, I am off lorazepam now and would like to know more about escitalopram. I was introduced to this site through and friend who has a similar problem.


I was taking 1mg of lorazepam two x a day and now taking 20 mg of escitalopram one a day or as needed. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks

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Hello Cadpro,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!  Good for you for being off lorazepam, how long has it been since your last dose?


While we are a site whose goal is to support and encourage people going through benzo withdrawal, we do have members taking anti-depressants like escitalopram (Lexapro).  Are you interested in withdrawing from that medication as well?  I took Lexapro very briefly and extremely low amounts. I suffer some pretty intense side effects from SSRI's so I have never been able to tolerate them long term. (more than 2 weeks or even less).


We do have a board called "Other Medications". I give you a link to it and you can post questions about escitalopram there.


Other Medications 


Warm Welcome,



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Thank you for the quick response and the warm welcome. I have been off lorazepam for about two months now, I may take one or two if needed but will not take on a steady basis..


I don't want to get off lexapro but would like to know if it is addictive and has side effects like lorazepam over a long period of time. Iwill go on the link you gave me, that may help get some answers.


Thank you

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Thank you for the quick response and the warm welcome. I have been off lorazepam for about two months now, I may take one or two if needed but will not take on a steady basis..

I don't want to get off lexapro but would like to know if it is addictive and has side effects like lorazepam over a long period of time. Iwill go on the link you gave me, that may help get some answers.


Thank you


Hello Cadpro,


Welcome to the form from me too  :)


I would be very careful about taking the Lorazepam on an as needed basis if I were you, we have had quite a few members that have become dependent on benzos even though they were only taking them sporadically. I dont have personal experience with Lexapro but I do know that you can become dependent on Lexapro and it would need to be tapered if you've been taking it for a while. For any other questions relating to the Lexapro please feel free to post questions on The Other Medications Board, pianogirl has given you a link to it.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you well.



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Thank you so much for your reply, I will stop taking larozapam altogether and may taper off Lexapro.

I have an appointment with my doctor this month and will talk to him about all this.

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Hi Cadpro,


A warm welcome from me as well.  I too was on Lexapro for only two months several years ago.  I decided that it was making me more numb than anything else and I stopped taking it.


I know you will find much info and support here -


Ellen :smitten:

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