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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hey, I've been reading the forums here for a while & since 'detox' I've been needing more support. I've always been so nervous, even at 6 I can remember getting sick from anxiety. I started taking xanax July 26 everyday. I started at 1mg a day for the first month, then I started taking more until it became an addiction. I was up to 6mg, sometimes 8mg. I was a mess. I tried quitting c/t at 4mg & had extreme paranoia so i resumed taking them. December 16th I decided enough was enough & checked myself into rehab. Unfortunately, the doctor only kept me 3 days. I took phenobarbital for 2 of those days & didn't sleep at all. I came home & was extremely agaitated, sweaty palms & feet. As the night came, my anxiety shot through the roof & again I was extremely paranoid, frightened, hearing & seeing things. I would've thought if it was the xanax w/d that I had done LSD or something. That lasted about 2 days, it was horrible. Today at day 28, my PAWS have gotten better but I am extremely agaiated, stressed & anxiety through the roof. I am so glad to have found you guys. Thank you.
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Hi Julz,


    It is quite a pleasure to have you join our forum.  I am sure that you know by now, we have all been, or are going through, benzo withdrawal.  I think you will find that the members here are quite helpful and I encourage you to reach out to them with questions and support.  I also urge you to review the Ashton Manual, which is a guide that explains benzo withdrawal and it gives several ideas on proper tapering.  I would suggest speaking with your doctor regarding such an event. 

    I will say that I was saddened to hear about your being ill.  Please look at this website as a tool and a place for support as you begin your journey to healing.  If you have any questions at all please ask.




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Hello julz2468,


Welcome to the forum and congratulations on being benzo free!


Detox is a pretty rough way to withdraw from benzos but with time you will feel better. You are still very early out and at this time the symptoms can be very strong. 


I'll give you a link to the Cold Turkey, Detox, Rapid Withdrawal board where you can connect with others in the same situation as yourself.


Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal 


Please feel free to ask questions, we're here to help.


pianogirl  :)

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