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I need to take something for back spasms


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I do have an issue--have always had since my mid-20's--wherein I experience severe back spasms. Yesterday I fell on some rock salt and so now my back is out and can be out for days if I don't relax it.  I have Skelaxin and have taken it on rare occasion before.  Why can't I take it now? What will happen three weeks post jump from Xanax?  Thanks, all.


P.S.:  Please don't recommend NSAIDs as I'm taking them to no help.

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I have taken Skelaxin during w/d and had no issues. Does not effect gaba as far as I know. I still take it occasionally and never had a problem. Now Soma......that's a different story but I know you know that! Robaxin is another safe one for me.
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Thanks, Betterdays.  I managed to get by without it and feel ok today.  But will keep it in mind. I don't often have back spasms, but it can happen.
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Not sure if this will help you, but I rub Magnesium Oil on my lower back when it hurts and it helps greatly. :)  I cannot tolerate any type of muscle relaxants at this moment. 
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My husband has been using the IcyHot patches for his back spasms.  They make them in many sizes and can last up to 8 hours.  Maybe this will help.  I am sorry you are going through this..
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