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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Muscle Twitching


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Hi everyone:


I completed a taper off two benzos ending about 3 months ago.  I have experienced muscle twitching all over my body.  I am not sure if it is due to benzo withdrawal or if it may be a tardive symptom from being on antipsychotics.  I guess it may be even possible that it may be due to both factors.


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Hi everyone:


I completed a taper off two benzos ending about 3 months ago.  I have experienced muscle twitching all over my body.  I am not sure if it is due to benzo withdrawal or if it may be a tardive symptom from being on antipsychotics.  I guess it may be even possible that it may be due to both factors.


Muscle symptoms are extremely common in withdrawal, and they include everything imaginable from tics to pain to stiffness, etc.  I had facial and eyelid twitching during acute w/d, but it all resolved as I healed.  It will for you too!



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I have lots of twitches but I have suddenly got very bad eye twitches and facial twitching in month 6 off poison. Is this normal? Jerks are my worst symptom.


Love buddy

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Benzos are primarily a muscle relaxant, so naturally, during withdrawal, muscles can become tense, or jerk of their own accord.  I've had muscles aches, pains, twitches and spasms on my limbs, face and scalp throughout my withdrawal so far.  It's an extremely common withdrawal symptom, and will pass with time.
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  • 1 year later...
I'm in doubt too. I'm on seroquel only two months ago I made a tiny cut and now last week I started shaking/twichting/vibrating/jerking a lot every time I stop moving. So scared
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