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Paradoxical Effects


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Hi everyone:


Has anyone had any experience with paradoxical effects due to being on the psychiatric medications.  I have had a really hard time with insomnia for so long and I can't really be sure that it is due to withdrawal, but that it may be due to some kind of delayed paradoxical effect from some of the remaining medications I am on.  All I know is that insomnia really is a bear that creeps up on us and can stay around for a very long time.  I have been corresponding with a benzobuddy who is more that three years off the drugs and still has periods where she doesn't sleep more than 1-2 hours per night.  She says she has gotten used to it, but I don't know how she can handle it after so long.  Insomnia makes me miserable because I am chronically sleep deprived which leaves me anxious and irritable.  I would expect that if insomnia is still present after 1 year post benzos then you need to look elsewhere for the cause.  This is very tough.  It is terrible to be a broken record with the insomnia thing but chronic sleep problems are very difficult to get used to.  I personally have been off of benzos for about three months now. It may be still too early to expect sleep normalization.  The greatest thing we have to fear is that things will never get better.  We have to have hope.



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For what it's worth all my problems were and, are, due to the many meds I was prescribed.  'Iatrogenic', I'm told.  Let me explain.  Back in 1995 I was grieving do to a sudden loss.  I was 10 months out from moving across the country ALONE to a new state after being promoted, and I knew no one.  This more than likely contributed to my difficulty in dealing with this crisis, who knows.  I'm going to get real wordy, so I won't...at least I hope I won't. 

I was placed on Prozac and shortly after my Doctor up and left after fully knowing what a difficult time I was having with the medication.  I deteriorated quickly to where I attempted to take my life, after which, my life was then taken from me...literally.  Now I was being treated against my better judgement for; depression, anxiety and now add suicidal.  No one would listen to me that what I was presently experiencing was not anything remotely similar to why I was placed on medication for in the first place...that is, not until 2010/11.

My career ended within a year of being placed on medications and my folks were told with me present that I would end out my days in an Institution.  *"Huh?, Come again"*  In 2005 I had to file for SS Disability due to my inability to function much less work.       

God placed in my path a Doctor who not only heard me but also saw me as a person and not just a patient.  After a short time under his care he saw how the differing meds had caused drastic changes in my behavior and little by little agreed that I was experiencing what is known as a Paradoxical Effect to the medications.  FINALLY!!! 

Now since September 22, 2014 I have been medication free and my only (like its just a little thing) problem is my brains inability to sleep.  I have no anxiety plus no depression.  Well, lack of sleep can cause both (just ask anyone who's been tortured by such) but not the unfounded, inexplainable, irrational variety that grips you and won't let loose.  That all went with the medicines.  Yay. 

What was the original question?  Yeah!  I've experienced the Paradoxical Effect due to ALL Psychiatric Medication.  I have a medical id tag hanging around my neck and all my doctors have in their files a letter attesting to this "phenomena" (It really does happen Doctors.  Just check out BB and elsewhere) as does my Pharmacy, so it never happens again. 

I'm angry over this "MISTAKE" (this is how it was explained to me) that has had devastating repercussions.  But I refuse to get into that...and lucky for you I don't.


shalom, my friend


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My life has been ruined by prescription drugs I didn't need.

Iatrogenic illnesses are much more common than any doctor realises.

I think you could VERY MUCH be ill due to the drugs you are on.

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I've had an extreme, extreme paradoxical effect on all SSRis. They make my anxiety sky rocket 100 times fold. I would rather die than take one of those again.
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