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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New and want advice on Xanax jump that was too soon


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I was prescribed Xanax 25 mg 3 times a day 13 years ago.  With time, the doctor moved me to 1 mg 3 times a day.  Over the year, I weaned myself off to doing only 1 mg a day and from there, I went "as needed" even though the doctor didn't it was time to cut back.  Fast forward to now....My as needed was coming in at .5 to 1 mg a day.  My doctor that originally had prescribed was no longer in business but since he had me on such a high dose, it lasted me two years to cut back as I did.  But last Monday I freaked and jumped.  My withdrawal has been typical of what I have been reading on this board and some days I think it isn't too bad and others I think I jumped too soon.  Since I am on day 7 of withdrawal, would it cause me too much trouble to instate and since I as interested in trying this Ashton withdrawal, how does one go in finding a doctor that would truly help you.  I've seen the list of doctors listed for my state and those doctors are no longer in business or else much have moved away.  Any help or guidance for this very confused and scared person would be so grateful.
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Reinstatement is typically only done if symptoms are debilitating or life threatening. It sounds like you are doing fairly ok given the fact how early you are in your withdrawal. Many are slammed with a host of symptoms by day 7.  If it was me I would not reinstate. I would tough it out. The acute phase is by far the worst phase and usually lasts no more than four weeks. You are almost there. Because of kindling there is no guarantee that reinstatement and a slow taper would make it any better. If you are already having days or even hours where you don't think it is "too bad" you are well on your way to healing. I know it is awful but you can do this....you are doing it!
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  • 2 weeks later...



I didn't take a walk outside till day 28.

Today is day 45 here. The first  four weeks were hell.

If you can sit still without pacing the floor you may be OK.


The only reason I would take another pill is to go the hospital route.

I have a bag of clothes packed and enough zanax and ativan to get to the psyche ward.


I was in a horrible state day 3-21. Terrible terrible symptons but now they fluctuate 0-45%

I have five walks in so far and five tiny shopping trips and cleaned and duste once but after day 28.


If you can eat a bit and still watch TV you may be better than you realize.

I paced every day until exhausted 3-21. Now a walk across apartment slowly every hour is plenty.


Talk... it shall help.





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I agree with benzos-R-cruel.


Its very hard, i would continue and take it step by step....one day

at a time. Once the acute stage has passed things will improve slowly.....

Keep in mind symptoms (sxs) are temporary.....there is no guarantee

reinstatement might work.....wish you well. :smitten:

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