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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Trying to taper off Klonopin


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Hi all.  My reasons for joining this group are simply because I need to get off the klonopin!! It is ruining my life , plain and simple.Ive been taking benzos for the last 2 years with the most recent drug being klonopin. But I have been on xanex,ativan,valium before this.

My present dose is 0.5mg in the morning and 0.5 mg in the evening

I am using 1 mg pills

I have started my taper.  The original dose was 1 mg in the morning and 1/2 mg at night. I was pretty lost on even how to do the taper and I did it WAY too fast. I got down to only 1/8 of a 1 mg pill but had to reinstate due to some very unpleasant and unbearable symptoms.

I need help.  I have been apart of a facebook group called Benzodiazapine Recovery and have received some pretty useful info. I am interested in doing liquid titration. I watched a video made by a man from this site using milk.  I need a taper plan and lots of guidance. Like one of those spreadsheets ! sorry if I am rambling i am just so excited to get this going and to get off this stuff !!!!!!!!!!

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Hi!  Welcome to the forum!


A spreadsheet is easy to generate, but one thing that many of us have learned (often the hard way) is that it's sometimes impossible to predict how a taper will go.  It may start off pretty well, but often one reaches a point where one has to adjust the taper rate to try to minimize the withdrawal symptoms.  I think you have seen the same thing during your rapid taper.


I'm sure that several people here could help create a spreadsheet for you (I'm happy to do one), but there's just no way to know how quickly your body is going to allow you to get off klonopin.  The usual target rate is something on the order of 0.5% per day for a liquid taper, but this varies from person to person.  For a milk titration, one could dissolve a pill in 100 mls of milk, then remove/discard 0.5 mls per day (for a linear taper) or 0.5% of the previous day's volume for an asymptotic taper.

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Hi MrsMama0912 :) Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


I am so glad you found us. We have quite a few members who are using the titration method. You should be able to get good advice if you post on that board. I have provided a link to it below.


You might also like to check out The Ashton Manual it is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. 


Please feel free to post to any of the dedicated boards, we have a wonderful community of people here, who will give sound advice. Members have been through all aspects of benzodiazepine use and withdrawal and are more than willing to share their experiences.


Titration Taper Plans



Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again Welcome!  :smitten:



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Wow...my brain is more gone than I realized.  I was on Xanax.  Not Klonipin.  Think i read so many threads here before opening an account that my nerves are show. 


I've posted in other forums and hopefully someone can tell me if I should just move forward or if I should go through the tapering since that doesn't sound good either.  I'm still shocked I got in this mess since I was the type that never even experimented with drugs of any sort even in high school and I thought I was following the doctors advice until I felt he raised my dosage too high.  But my husband being a recovering alcoholic always assured me that is I was taking lower than my dose, I surely didn't have to worry about addiction.  I don't feel I was addicted and never took it to get high but tried to keep up with the anxiety.  Woe is me.

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Wow...my brain is more gone than I realized.  I was on Xanax.  Not Klonipin.  Think i read so many threads here before opening an account that my nerves are show. 


I've posted in other forums and hopefully someone can tell me if I should just move forward or if I should go through the tapering since that doesn't sound good either.  I'm still shocked I got in this mess since I was the type that never even experimented with drugs of any sort even in high school and I thought I was following the doctors advice until I felt he raised my dosage too high.  But my husband being a recovering alcoholic always assured me that is I was taking lower than my dose, I surely didn't have to worry about addiction.  I don't feel I was addicted and never took it to get high but tried to keep up with the anxiety.  Woe is me.


Hi SuchaMess


You probably want to post the above on your thread so people can follow it.


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Wow...my brain is more gone than I realized.  I was on Xanax.  Not Klonipin.  Think i read so many threads here before opening an account that my nerves are show. 


Sadly, Xanax isn't very soluble in water or milk.  You can still dissolve it in alcohol, however (e.g. vodka).  It doesn't have to be a lot of vodka (a lot of benzo withdrawers have problems with alcohol).  Or you can consider crossing-over to a different (longer-lasting) benzo like valium. 

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It's important to write it all down including a plan. It's also great to keep as a progress diary. Great luck with your method of tritation xx
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