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Crossing to Librium


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I just dropped my last 1/2 mg ativan and now am on 35 mg of Librium. Felt ok before a few days ago, on 25 Librium and .5 Ativan. Felt fairly confident about crossing completely. But today I feel awful. I'm wondering if anyone has stories about crossing over quickly, slowly, what happened? How long does a librium crossover take?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't know much about the crossover taper, but am curious how your ativan to librium cross felt overall? I was going to go from Ativan to Valium, but started getting some palps with Valium, as well as the need to go to the restroom every 20 minutes. So, I am wondering if Librium may be a better choice. Any experiences to share????
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