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Titration plan help needed


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I am writing to ask how I get my personalized titration plan that is mentioned in the "titration instructions Version 6th Oct. 07."

I am talking 0.25mg Xanax twice a day. Each Xanax tablet is 0.5mg so I half the tablet and take one half for each dose. I have ordered a 100ml glass cyclinder with 1cm graduations and hopefully it will arrive in the next week. Thanks!!

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I doubt of Colin is doing personalized plans anymore, but it's not difficult to make a plan.  Unfortunately, Xanax is not very water or milk soluble.  Were you planning to use alcohol?  Vodka (or single malt scotch, if you prefer) should work.  If so, a 100 ml grad cylinder might be a bit large.  You could use a 10 ml grad cylinder and reduce by removing (e.g.) 0.1 mls at at time. 
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