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Missing out on things


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What I find amazing is the amount of things one misses while in this withdrawal phase= seeing movies, learning about new topics, learning guitar lessons, hearing from friends what the newest crazes are, taking part in a group sport, learning a new language ect. I was just watching some of the golden globes and was like 'Wow, I've never heard of any of these movies.'  Or maybe that is just me in my current. I'm in a depressed/apathetic demeanor at the moment. And, people say that that is the last stage of healing which is definitely a high hope.
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I've felt out of the loop for a year and a half, since starting tapering. It's very hard to pay attention to the rest of the world when the brain isn't functioning well and there are so many symptoms to deal with during w/d. It's like survival is the most important thing. 
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