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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I am 6 months benzo free - but am experiencing a crushing sense of depression- as I fear this condition I am in is something else - like a brain tumor/cancer and I will die never knowing the freedom so many of those in the success stories talk about and embrace.  I continue to have no self - no feelings of hope I will ever recover.  The pain never stops from the time I wake until I try to sleep, which is almost nonexistent - usually 1-2 hours per night and rarely a deep sleep - but brief periods of light sleep and always filled with nightmarish thoughts of dread.  Is there anyone who has gone through this much pain?  If you have - would you share how you coped with this seemingly never ending hellish condition?  Also, have any of you consulted with a benzo therapist who specifically specializes in benzo withdrawal?  I live in Southern California and if you know of any one I would like their name and I will schedule a consultation because I honestly do not know how much more of this I can withstand.  Thank you.

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Hi Dolphins1, sorry you are still feeling so bad. :(


However...I know of someone very similar to you. And he had it BAD. But he survived. He cold turkeyed off a way higher dose then you and healed in 18 months. Here is his video:

Pasquale's Benzo Recovery Video: http://youtu.be/9dSJOWcBFio


I think you will see a lot of similarities. :)

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That's the way I've felt several times last year, dealing with a Cold Turkey Anti-depressant jump, and then with the complete lack of empathy concerning my Gall Bladder issues.


Just about ANY therapist will be able to help. It's not easy, but you can do it.  You have to endure.

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