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cool movies to watch


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This has probably already been done but I was hoping to start a list of movies you have enjoyed watching that may have touched you in some way. 


Mr. Nobody. Can't recommend it enough.  The intro is a bit slooow and I suppose the story line can get a bit confusing if you're not focused but WOW what a cool movie.  I won't share too much about it so that you can experience it and hopefully be wow'ed like I was.  It left me very peaceful in my thoughts and gave some insight into this battle with meds. 


It's on netflix and vudu. 


Any more movies you like? 

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Fury was a good movie especially how it had Logan Lerman in it omg he's so cute http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab13/nanananabooobooo/logan_lerman_zps13906d23.jpg
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Fury was a good movie especially how it had Logan Lerman in it omg he's so cute http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab13/nanananabooobooo/logan_lerman_zps13906d23.jpg


Damn you really have a thing for younger guys lol.


If you like Logan Lerman watch "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Really good movie.

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hay NTT Logan Lerman just looks like a teenage boy he recently turned 23 . my boyfriend is younger than me too him it doesnt bother him or his mom that im older than him
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I love me sum old movies.  A few to watch are "to kill a mockingbird",  the Maltese falcon and the African Queen.  If ya haven't seen em check it out  :thumbsup:
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I liked Muriel's Wedding, it's an Australian movie and the soundtrack is kinda cool, Abba.


I also liked The Secret of Roan Inish, a very beautiful film, it centres around selkies which are mythological creatures found in Scottish and Irish folkore, selkies are seals that were believed to shed their skin to become human.  :thumbsup:

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