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when did insomnia set in?


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I know everyone is different but was just wondering, if you experienced insomnia, did it start with your first taper or did it appear later on in your taper?  Did you change any sleeping habits?  Did you use anything like melatonin to help sleep? 


Thank you

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Insomnia became a problem for me when I reached menopause. Long story short, that is basically why I ended up on valium. Even though I got the meno issue sorted out, my taper off the valium still brought on the insomnia. If I tapered too quickly the insomnia was horrific.


For me the only things that worked to keep the insomnia at bay were to do a daily liquid taper and to use doxylamine (an OTT antihistamine) and an amitriptyline AD to help with sleep when I needed it.

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My sleep gets worse many months into WD (i have withdrawn so many times over the years). My insomnia comes when I am starting to feel better.


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Hi there,


I had dreadful sleep problems which developed when I was tapering and continued in early recovery. My sleep is still not perfect but better than it was in early recovery. Occasionally I take hydroxyzine 25mg, a prescription sedating antihistamine, to assist with sleep and it does seem to help a little. Once I stopped worrying about not sleeping and accepted that sleep would return eventually I coped much better. Initially I got very stressed about the poor sleep and this seemed to make everything worse.



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I was sleeping 16 hours a day before I began my taper. It was the Clozaril that caused this. Once I tapered off Clozaril my insomnia began. Not a surprise, as I was on a large dose of kpin for a decade and I obviously developed tolerance to it but the Clozaril (a bad bad drug) kept it at bay. So I started having insomnia even before I began my taper. It still continues and gets worse every time I make a drop. Soon I will get 0 sleep and probably become psychotic. Then I will change my online name to psychogirl. :laugh:
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I was sleeping 16 hours a day before I began my taper. It was the Clozaril that caused this. Once I tapered off Clozaril my insomnia began. Not a surprise, as I was on a large dose of kpin for a decade and I obviously developed tolerance to it but the Clozaril (a bad bad drug) kept it at bay. So I started having insomnia even before I began my taper. It still continues and gets worse every time I make a drop. Soon I will get 0 sleep and probably become psychotic. Then I will change my online name to psychogirl. :laugh:


:laugh: I think many of us can relate to this benzogirl, I know I can!!  :laugh: good job we can laugh about it, our sense of humours helps to keep us sane  :)

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I would just like to chime in on the experience of benzogirl with her time on the drug clozaril.

I also took clozaril and had a very bad experience with it.  It made me suicidal and I had absolutely zero ambition to do anything.  The lethargy on clozaril was severe.  I couldn't even get out of bed.  I can't believe that you were on 10 mg of klonopin.  That is like what about 200 mg valium equivalent? How did you survive?  I can't believe a responsible doctor would ever let something like that happen. How is you sleep now?  Even on clozaril, I didn't really sleep that much.  Tolerance is a bear. 



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