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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

need help who can guide me in my whitdrawal?


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I speak Spanish and little English'm from mexico.


2 years ago I started with Tafil. three times a day for anxiety attacks.


after the attack were unbearable Atemperator they prescribed me 3 times a day.

I fell into depression 8 long months, in those eight months sertraline take fluoxetine prozac,

every day was want to go with the Lord,

I moved to 2 mg clonazepam and mirtazapine and

after I moved to lacmictal.

about 10 months ago leave lacmictal

and have reduced the Rivotril for 8 months which have gone through many symptoms


my current dose is 0.5 klonoplin DORIXINA relax for sleep and pain.





reduction method I use?


what is still down 0.4 klonplin ; anxiety, fear, panic attacks, insomnia and nightmares pain and sadness.

as I can combat these withdrawal symptoms?







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Hi Zoon .. sorry to hear about your problem with medications.  It looks like you were given many different kinds of medications (some of which I was taking too).  How long ago did you stop taking the other medications?  You are only on Klon now?  My Spanish is very limited , hopefully another member will see your post .
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I speak Spanish and little English'm from mexico.


2 years ago I started with Tafil. three times a day for anxiety attacks.


after the attack were unbearable Atemperator they prescribed me 3 times a day.

I fell into depression 8 long months, in those eight months sertraline take fluoxetine prozac,

every day was want to go with the Lord,

I moved to 2 mg clonazepam and mirtazapine and

after I moved to lacmictal.

about 10 months ago leave lacmictal

and have reduced the Rivotril for 8 months which have gone through many symptoms


my current dose is 0.5 klonoplin DORIXINA relax for sleep and pain.





reduction method I use?


what is still down 0.4 klonplin ; anxiety, fear, panic attacks, insomnia and nightmares pain and sadness.

as I can combat these withdrawal symptoms?


Why don't you send a PM to Clona21?  She speaks Spanish very well. She is also from Mexico. Estoy seguro de que pueden servir de guia. Bets


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Hola Zoon! Justo acabo de contestar tu mensaje, ahora ya tengo una idea, estas tomando solo Clonazepam? 0.4 mg? Que mala onda que te dieron muchas medicinas...

Yo creo que lo que te conviene mas es cortar muy poco cada día, yo estoy cortando 0.001 gramos del peso total de la pasilla de 0.5mg, eso equivale a 0.0033 mg de Rivotril, me ha ido mejor ahora que cuando cortaba mucho y me mantenía en esa dosis.

Tienes balanza? Si no lo que te conviene es usar leche para disolver la pastilla, de ese método no se mucho pero te puedo ayudar.

Dime cual método prefieres, ojalá te sientas mejor día con día.

Te mando un Abrazote! :smitten:

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I have wanted the lord to take me away from the pain many many times. You are not alone with that feeling. I see you have a post that is in spanish that will be alot of help to you. I know you will get thru this, take care, zoon. Kay
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Zoon, ya leí mejor,  estás tomando 0.5 mg de Rivotril.

En cuanto tiempo bajaste de 2 a 0.5? Si hiciste cortes de más del 10% lo mejor es mantenerte con 5 mg hasta que tus sintomas se estabilicen. Estas pesando la dosis? Si es así, el método que te puedo aconsejar es pesar tu pastilla de 0.5, la mía pesa 0.151 gramos (yo aun estoy arriba de 0.5) estoy usando Lima de uñas para rebajar pedazos muy pequeños.

Si tus pastillas pesan 0.151, la limas hasta que pese 0.150 y la tomas, al día siguiente 0.149 gr, al día 2 tomas 0.148, etc.....si todo sale bien terminarías en 150 días mas los días que tengas que mantener la dosis si no te sientes bien.

Si quieres usar "liquid titration" disuelves tu pastilla de 0.5 en 150 ml de leche entera, no muelas la pastilla, dicen que se disuelve sola en el transcurso de la noche, agitas el bote con tapa y primero te tomas los 100 ml hasta que te estabilices, una o dos semanas...luego tiras 1 ml el primer día del corte y te tomas 149 ml, el segundo tiras 2 ml y te tomas 148 ml...a esa velocidad yo no siento gran cosa ya, si me puse muy mal cuando llegué a 0.75 mg de Rivotril, viví un infierno!, pero afortunadamente ya pasó.

Mucha suerte y espero que te sientas mucho mejor!



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Bets, How are you my friend! I catched a horrible cold...then working! Hell! Fortunately w/d sx were mild...perhaps it was only the awful coughing that covered up my sx!

Send you and all BBs. Big kiss!


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gracias clona21 tu informacion es valiosa en este momento.

necesito platicar mas fluido contigo para que me ayudes pues en este foro todo esta en ingles!!

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Bets, How are you my friend! I catched a horrible cold...then working! Hell! Fortunately w/d sx were mild...perhaps it was only the awful coughing that covered up my sx!

Send you and all BBs. Big kiss!



Hola Clona:


Espero que no te importe que me suggested que usted PM. Su espanol es major qua la mi! Muy bien aunque es - 15 gradas fuera, asi que estoy maldito frio. Un monton de insomnio, mala suerte. Envlark un abrazo querido. Como echo de menos tus PMs. Estoro fue mi eleccion.!!!!!!

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Bets! Que bueno que le dijiste a Zoon lo del PM! Ya estuve platicando con el!...Thank you!

I miss your PMs too! Te extraño mucho! -15 grados! Qué emoción! Wonderful! Plase send some cold to here!...it was cold yesterday! 1 degree! :laugh:

Yes, I am coughing a lot! Better not to get close to me!

Just a digital kiss :smitten:

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