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re occurring symptoms after nearly stabalizing


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Anyone else get this ? Ive been nearly back to normal for a week , back at work and actually felt pretty good and enough energy to get through the day apart from a little cog fog . My work is quite physical and after been layed up for nearly 4 months its a given that i would have some muscle soreness.


Yesterday at about midday i started getting symptoms again and today was that tired after a good nights sleep had breakfast and straight back to sleep until 1pm ! Now feeling really lethargic and sore  .


do you guys think its just my body readjusting to being used again or is this another wave ? Was hoping to maintain on this dose for another 4 weeks until 100% then start a daily taper .


Any input from fellow buddies would be much appreciated.





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One never knows, but coming back to work sounds like your body just may need to readjust.  You are doing well holding, I would avoid up dosing. Just slow and steady taper, listen to your body
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Good advise mate , cheers


Updosing is definitely not an option for me . Ive had major improvements over the last 2 weeks , its just a bit upsetting getting smashed back down again. I think i just went into work again a bit too hard and maybe my body just needs a rest . Feelin a bit better this evening :)

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I agree. I think your body needs to readjust to very hard work. I know when I go to the gym after being absent for a while, after my strenuous workout I can barely walk down the steps without having jelly legs. But I don't sleep til 1 pm the next day........
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It's typical to have ups and downs in recovery. I would feel fine for a few weeks and then get hit feeling like crap for a week or two and then would feel good again for a few weeks. Each time I get hit with a wave it gets weaker and lessens in time. So I just look at it from the viewpoint that each wave you go through puts you closer to full healing. Feel better soon!
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