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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Agorphobia ?


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Off benzos 39 days but homebound with agoraphobia.

I need support very much because I am very frightened and unable to go for any out side work of the agoraphobia. No agrophobia  befor benzo Thanks

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For a long time I stayed inside unless I absolutely had to go out. I live alone, so it was really rough getting groceries and running errands. I think the agoraphobia I had was mostly because I was afraid of collapsing from dizziness and from dr. Nothing felt real when I went outside. It has finally gone away. Hopefully yours will go away much sooner than mine did. I once told myself that if I didn't have to take out the garbage and get groceries, I wouldn't have gone out at all except if I had a window (which was pretty rare). I didn't have this before benzo w/d.



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i am 85 days off benzos and i hate leaving my house i cant even get comfortable at home. I did not have a history of this or anxiety prior to benzos. i get overstimulated leaving my house and my dissociation is so bad i freak. i hope this goes as i am housebound and even don't leave my room much. i wonder if many others out there are this debiltitated after a careful taper.
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It takes time for the agoraphobia to lessen and finally leave, but it will! I remember so many months of having such difficulty going anywhere. When I did have to go out, I hurried so that I could get back home. When I finally was back home in my "safe place," it felt like I'd been out all day even if I was only gone for 20 minutes. That's in the past now. And I no longer feel like I'm encased in a bubble and that everything is unreal when I'm outside walking around. Everything feels normal again. The agoraphobia gradually left. What a relief!!!


This will happen to you too!



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Hi mood 7,


I had the worst agoraphobia when I started to taper...it was really tough going to work and I don't know how the heck I survived. It got better after 2 months off. I just remember how tough it was and I had to force myself everyday to go to work, buy groceries, and socialize. If I had to do it all over again...I wouldn't have forced myself. I had to do these things in order to survive and I had no other choice. I tried not going to the store when it was busy. It will get better. ;)

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Let me tell you something a doctor wi never tell you, probably because they don't make money off of healthy people. I'll ask you questions In order and tell me if you understand


1- Do you think a lot?

2- If you could control your thinking, what would you think of??

***Know this. 8 months ago I almost successfully died, but I didn't. And here I am. I shouldn't have overcome anxiety given the obvious odds, and the doctors terrible advice which I Trusted.

3- When you take xanax, do you think?? no, because your relaxed.

4- What is meditation??

* Its a self reliant relaxation technique. Its a technique because it works, Every time. I'm being serious.

5- Are you meditating??


** sometimes up to four days after I meditate I don't have one negative thought. I have a lot of reasons to get down but you learn that you can just focus on what you want. If you like being happy, that's your decision.


Mostly everyone will answer #5 no because they do t want or believe bad enough. Maybe before you try to figure out why your not attempting this method you should understand why you chose the most available, and 'proven' method first which is medication. Its because Everyone is doing it. People have a way of molding themselves around each other. Where one goes, most will surely follow. Make your own path. This medication will only end your life with dissapointment. And yes, I still have withdrawal sx including pins and needles, dizziness and sensations in legs


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The agoraphobia is going to be there until you address it. Wake up and go for a run/walk. Focus outward. Extrovert think externaly . Your brain is confused. Just remember to address any fear by facing it. Over and over and it eventually goes away when your learn how to relax. If you learned how to meditate, you could practice every morning to get yourself in a good rythym which only improves over time.
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