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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I was part of this support group a few months ago while I was going through a severe post partum depression. During that time my Dr put me on Klonopin. I was taking 5mg twice a day. I was having some major issues at that time. But as I started to feel better I started to spread out the doses. Once a day.. Then every other day.. Then a couple of times a week.. Now I take .5 mg every 5 days or so. I feel crazy! There are sometimes I feel completely normal.. Well not completely but close. There are other days.. Such as today that I feel whacked out of my mind. I can't even explain.. Feels like I'm in another world.. This fear.. Not sure where it comes from. I feel just frozen in fear.. Like I can't move forward. My body shakes and I have tremors.. I have the scariest crazy thoughts.. Memories.. I feel like I am in a bad dream that I can't get out of.. On days like this.. It's just insane. I'm scared to go to the Dr.. Scared they may try to tell me it's just me.. But I don't think it is.. I used to be normal. But my question is. Could it be the benzo considering it was a small dose? My Pharmacist says no way. But what else could it be? All feedback is welcome

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I think you could be experiencing interdose withdrawal, at least I think I was the way I was taking Klonopin.  I began taking .5 mg Klonopin "as needed" in Nov. 2013 due to anxiety caused by a medical condition that later mostly resolved.  I usually took only .25 mg. every several days, like every 3rd or 4th day, so there would be several days in-between doses.  I felt terrible most of the time but attributed it to my medical problem that took some months to resolve.  Then last summer I began having horrible fear, panic attacks constantly, couldn't breathe, had debilitating depression, developed agoraphobia, disinhibition, muscle pain, feeling of internal vibration, couldn't sleep as well, and started to feel like I was going crazy.  Thought I'd have to go in a mental hospital.  Finally figured out last Oct. that it was the Klonopin when I found information online about benzo withdrawal and the Ashton manual and realized I had all the symptoms many others did and why.  I had had no idea what I was taking or what effects it had on the brain/body, and that it shouldn't be taken for more than a few weeks if at all.  I unfortunately chose to "stabilize" on .5 mg. even though I was taking somewhere between .25 and .5 at the time, and for the past 43 days including today have been tapering using milk titration.  (Essentially doubling the dose and taking it every day didn't really make me feel any better.)  I've been reducing at the rate of 5% every 2 weeks but I may go a bit faster because I have been on a "low dose" and for not that long a time.  I'm still figuring that out.  Anyway, since I've been tapering I have worse fear, especially in the morning, every morning and can hardly function because the psychological symptoms are so bad (also have some physical ones).  Also wanted you to know that when I went to the psychiatrist shortly after figuring out it was the Klonopin, she attributed all my symptoms to my own "underlying anxiety and depression."  Also had a pharmacist tell me that. However, two internal medicine doctors I consulted and a psychologist thought it was the Klonopin and I KNOW it is. 


By the way, I used to be normal too.  Dollars to donuts it's the Klonopin, not you.  One book you might find helpful is The Benzo Book by Jack Hobson-Dupont at benzo.org.uk in the books section available as a free PDF file.


Hope this helps you.  You have my sympathies because the suffering caused by this drug is horrible.  I've been living it for months and am just lucky I escaped being incarcerated in a mental hospital and forcibly given more drugs.  This happens to so many people.



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I was part of this support group a few months ago while I was going through a severe post partum depression. During that time my Dr put me on Klonopin. I was taking 5mg twice a day. I was having some major issues at that time. But as I started to feel better I started to spread out the doses. Once a day.. Then every other day.. Then a couple of times a week.. Now I take .5 mg every 5 days or so. I feel crazy! There are sometimes I feel completely normal.. Well not completely but close. There are other days.. Such as today that I feel whacked out of my mind. I can't even explain.. Feels like I'm in another world.. This fear.. Not sure where it comes from. I feel just frozen in fear.. Like I can't move forward. My body shakes and I have tremors.. I have the scariest crazy thoughts.. Memories.. I feel like I am in a bad dream that I can't get out of.. On days like this.. It's just insane. I'm scared to go to the Dr.. Scared they may try to tell me it's just me.. But I don't think it is.. I used to be normal. But my question is. Could it be the benzo considering it was a small dose? My Pharmacist says no way. But what else could it be? All feedback is welcome


If you were on 5 mg twice a day that means 10 mg a day. That's a highly toxic dose. That equals 200 mg of valium. You really need to create a signature and add in all of your drugs and your taper schedule. That way we can better understand.  Bets

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