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What about substitution taper down the road?


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After re-reading the first part of the Ashton Manual and the accompanying taper schedule for (in my case, Clonazepam) other benzos, I am wondering if, when I get down to 1 mg. Clon - just as an example - I could switch to the Ashton protocol and taper down from there using the substitution method?  I'm not certain I will have to do this as many on BB have tapered directly off of Clon/Klon...but I am just thinking about the smaller doses and cuts as I get below 1 mg -- or even sooner, possibly at 1.25......  The signature below tracks my progress up until now without adding in the cut today.


Any thoughts?  Anyone tried to cross-over later on or half-way through their taper and been successful?  I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has had experience doing this.  Or from the moderators who have seen a wide spectrum of tapers over the years.


Today, I have cut - not definitively - another .0625 (from my mid-day dose) and will be at 1.375 (I think!) if I decide to cut for sure by this evening and am just thinking about the future. ::)


Thanks and my best to you all,



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You can cross at any time, not a problem.  But you are right, you won't have to cross if you don't want to.  I was on K and if I had it to do again I would have stayed on K all the way and done a daily taper.  I would not have followed the Ashton Manual at all.
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Interesting.  Thank you for your thoughts.  I DID make the cut and will stick with it although I am already feeling it...is that even possible?  I mean, of course it is because I AM feeling it... but I think it's the fear that is creating the extra anxiety that is affecting the gabas, etc etc etc!  My fingers are tingling as I'm typing this post...that's a new one  :o  and things seem a little weird in general.  Anxiety will do that to you, right? 


Since I cannot see your history at this moment, how DID you do it?  Did you C/O to V? Always good to hear from a BB who has successfully tapered and has been off K for a while.  How are you feeling these days?  Hopefully well.


Thanks again,


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