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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Tarot cards protray my thoughts on withdrawal


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This was something I did out of boredom today. But, it fits. Lol. Actually, I think it speaks to everyone in withdrawal. Still, kinda creepy. :) But something positive! (If this is your thing)


My Question: When will benzo WD end for me?


Card 1 (Temperance) : How you feel about yourself now  »


You feel a need for harmony and balance in your life and indeed are starting to feel that some peace has already been restored. If you have been through some tough times, such as a break up of a relationship or financial problems, peace will be restored. However if you are still experiencing problems, this is a time for calm, careful control and patience and you will soon have a sense of normality again.



Card 2 (Wheel Of Fortune) : What you most want at this moment  »


The cards suggest that what you most want at this time is a turning point in your life and positive change - well expect it now. Life will go up a gear or two and events will accelerate forward. Destiny is at play here - have you noticed a number of events that seem rather a coincidence? This is synchronicity, trust it and go with the flow.



Card 3 (Strength) : Your fears  »


You are fearful of lacking the will power and strength to deal with someone or something that concerns you. Feeling negative and listening to all your fears will only cause failure and lost opportunities. Be as brave as a lion but work compassionately and you'll be fine.



Card 4 (The Hermit) : What is going for you  »


You are instinctively taking time to relax and reflect, drawing on your inner strength and wisdom to guide you through these difficult times. Time is a great healer, so if you don't know quite what to do now in time you will. The Hermit signals a warning not to make hasty decisions, and if you have been unwell this is a time for rest and recuperation.



Card 5 (The Sun) : What is going against you  »


You may experience a few delays on your quest for success and achievement but don't worry, you'll get there in a blaze of glory. Success may go to your head a little so a little modesty wouldn't go amiss. Other than a few minor delays, look forward to a period of joy and happiness. If you are experiencing problems with conceiving a baby, The Sun often heralds good news around children and a much wanted pregnancy or birth of a longed-for baby.



Card 6 (Judgement) : Outcome  »


A time for taking stock, an end to an era or phase of your life and brand new opportunities appearing. An opportunity will present itself that must not be ignored and it could have far reaching implications, changing your life for the better. You will enjoy success and enjoyment for past efforts, events will pick up a pace and the outcome will be quicker than expected.

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Really? Hehe. You can do it online if you wish. Basically each card has an inner meaning and can tell your future, past, or present. Its fun! Some people swear by it. I just did it for fun. :)
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Something really cool is the story of the major arcana. It tells the story of human life. Really cool.


Quick synopsis...


The first card 0 is The Fool. We are all born completely naive into the world. We know nothing. And since 0 is an infinite number, it holds an infinite number of possibilities. Will he be a doctor, or a garbageman? Gay or straight? Rich or poor?


By the time the story gets to card #21 The World. The Fool has achieved wholeness. :)


Link to the story: http://www.learntarot.com/journey.htm

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That is very interesting.


I am ready to re-enter the world with a much deeper understanding of myself and my place in the world. I also think I know what is really important now. It is like being reborn spiritually as well as physically.  I am sure most people do go through this transition as they get older. The nearer you get to the end of life, the more you think about the deeper aspects of life.  I have always been a deep thinker anyway but I do feel that I have gone through an inner transformation over the past year and it feels really good.  Benzo withdrawal is such an awful experience that it is likely to have this effect whatever your age.




LF  :smitten:



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