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Electric shocks at 6 months normal?


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I am going through constant electric shock sensations at night all over my body. Sometimes it flows from one part of my body to another. I will just be drifting off when zap I am woken again. This is intolerable. Is this still normal at 6 months out?
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Hi Buddy42

I still had those electric shocks at 6 months out so i'd say its totally normal. They're horrible i know, but will definitely get less and less. I hope very soon for you!

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Yes night time is the worst. When they were at their worst they'd keep me up all night. Just as you said, i'd be drifting off to sleep and zap it would wake me up. It went on and on and on, i thought i was going to go insane! And then they started to get less and less and now most of the time i dont have them and every now and then i'll just have them for a few hours. But they're mostly gone and yours will go too! Stay strong!
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I'm 13 months off I get Mine in my chest still here and there... freaks me out every time. It's wd they will one day never be missed.


Happy me

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I am in so much pain with this. I have had it constantly this morning. I am light headed from lack of sleep and my muscles ache from constant jerks and twitches. It is a crime that the medical profession will do nothing about this. A crime. I am so angry. I have my little girl next to me and I so want to do things and I am made almost disabled by this. When will it stop?
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I had a lot fo the shocks/zaps while tapering and even after. Post-jumping, they have gotten much less frequent and waned tremendously in their severity as well. But at 1 year off, I still get them. But understand that they are so small at this point, they are more like a tiny "flicker" and dont really bother me. I suspect that in some time they will completely disappear. Yes, it is a crime that physicians hand this stuff out as they do and most have no clue/care about the consequences. You will get rid of these, in time. :)

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At what point did they lessen for you, laser. A lot of people have talked about them getting less intense. I haven't noticed this yet but then I have had a horrible withdrawal. I am in kindle mode as I jumped off and on over a ten year period having no idea of what I was doing.


Love buddy

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It would come on early as a rule when it hit me, right out of bed or shortly thereafter. It was how I could gauge my day, as to how much electricity I was feeling. If it were a lot, I'd not drive as I knew I was totally ADHD x 100. I backed into a car in a parking lot once when I was like that and it taught me that there are limits and times not to push. Until then, I wasn't stopping for anything, just kept going. That fender bender was a wake up for me, as to when and how much I could push.
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I was getting these bad last night! It was so odd, they would happen while I was trying to fall asleep, directly after some completely random and bizarre thought popped into my head. I thought the thoughts were funny at first but then they just got annoying.
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