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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Unsure and ativan


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Hi there,

I am wondering if it's possible to have withdrawal symptoms from such a small dose of Ativan.

I first started taking Ativan (.5 mg) about once a week seven months ago for insomnia. I stopped for a month because although it worked, I thought it increased my insomnia a few days after taking it. A month later, my anxiety increased and I felt desperate for sleep so started taking it once a week again....next month twice a week and then sometimes three times a week (same dose).

I still felt like it made my anxiety and insomnia worse when not taking it, but really liked getting some sleep! About two months ago , the .5 mg dose was no longer enough to help me sleep so I would increase the dose to .75 mg about once a week. Other times I would only take .25 mg.

I stayed with this pattern until the week before Christmas. At that time anxiety increased and I started taking it every night--for two weeks. Sometimes .5 mgand sometimes .75mg. It got me sleep, but I didn't want to be on it every night, so I started taking about 3/4 of a pill which I guess would be about .37 mg. I'm having horrible anxiety and getting no sleep!

I thought this small dosage and relatively short history would make withdrawal ok....but maybe I'm extra sensitive??

My only history with benzos was that I took klonopin for a month (maybe five weeks) four years ago. The doc actually prescribed it in my last month of pregnancy because I was having horrible anxiety and insomnia. She told me to come off it as soon as I was due or went into labor but gave me no warning that there could be withdrawal. She told me there would be no problem I just had to be off of it 24 hours before nursing. She didn't even have me schedule a post partum follow up! I had no idea why I had incredible anxiety after giving birth? It sounds stupid now, but I was completely unaware that I would have withdrawal symptoms. I thought I was just losing it. It was a sad time that should have been so happy. This was my second birth and I had no problem with post partum depression after my first so I'm positive that it was withdrawal.

2 years later I tried using my leftover klonopin intermittently for a few weeks and had so much trouble with it that I started doing research.

My only other psych drug history is with ambien.

I'd appreciate any guidance and advice on how to proceed presently and if you think I'm actually experiencing withdrawal now.

Thanks so much!

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Hello Metta44.  Welcome to the forum, we're glad you found us!  I'm sorry about your experience with your doctor several years ago.  Actually, it's not unusual for doctors to be clueless about the effects of benzo withdrawal, as strange as that seems.  Even though you're on a "low" dose now, slow tapering is still the way to lessen withdrawal symptoms.  One establishes a steady daily dose and tapers down at a rate of about 5-10% every 10-14 days, ideally. Some taper even slower than that. Here are a few links you may find useful:


General Taper Plans


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Thank you Megan918!

So it is possible to experience withdrawal after such a small dose and relatively short time? I'm thinking if so, a reduction from .5 to ,37 mg night have been too fast, but part of me thinks I'm crazy that that could be true?

I will make a signature when I get to my computer. Thanks again. :smitten:

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Hi Metta - I'm tapering Ativan as well.....it's been difficult but it can be done. In the Support Groups section you will see a thread called "tapering off Ativan support group"....feel free to come join/read. It's a nice group an fever gone is tapering Ativan.


Also, despite what your doctor tells you, .50mg of Ativan is not a low dose. It's equal to 5-6mg of Valium. Also, your sporadic dosing is likely compounding the problem and what you are likely experiencing interdose withdrawals.


But....everything is going to be ok  :thumbsup: Come over to the Ativan thread and introduce yourself and we will help where we can.



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Thanks kiddo!

It's good to hear that I am not making this up in my head and that the .5 mg wasn't an insignificant dose.

I am about to try the titration method. I'm just not sure if I should up the dose now and back off more slowly (I went from .5/.75 right to .37mg) or if I should just work from .37. I am fairly miserable .

I will come over to the ativan thread.


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welcome  :) one reason why you might be having difficulty is because of kindling. Kindling is where each subsequent withdrawal can be worse than the previous one. You said you were on them previously for a short time. We have a few members here who had absolutely zero symptoms when stopping benzodiazepines their first time, and struggle with their second withdrawal. Unfortunately even low dose withdrawals can be difficult. Let us know how we can best support you, and again welcome.
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