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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Over the counter help while tapering from Ativan .5mg


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I am 73  Have been using Ativan for a few years off and on- mostly on for past 18 months.

Tired of morning fogginess, awful concentration, some intrusive thoughts  and a deteriorating short term memory.

I am convinced that my problems are not solely due to aging. I also have used a very low dose on Wellbutrin for 18 months  75mg -I will work on this after the Ativan.

I realize the taper will take a while - I just want to know if there is a highly regarded over the counter product I can use to minimize the side effects of the taper.


Many thanks,


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Hello Eldorado,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies!


Congratulations on your decision to begin tapering off Ativan.  What you are experiencing is certainly an effect of the benzo,  and as a mature person, it's important to do what it takes to maintain physical and mental health. I'm 64 and the best thing I did for my future was to stop taking benzodiazepines.


The best way to minimize withdrawal symptoms is to utilize a slow and careful taper.  Let your central nervous system have time to adjust to the reduction of the medication.  It is suggested to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days.  That can be adjusted based on how you feel. 


I would suggest that you read the Ashton Manual, an excellent resource about these types of drugs and how to withdraw. It was written by an expert in the field.


I'll provide a couple of links to get you started at the bottom of my message. 


Unfortunately there really aren't any "highly regarded" products to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. First of all, you might not have a difficult time, many people do not.  Secondly, people react differently to supplements. One person might find it helps and the other will react strongly to it.  Time is the real healer.


You'll find good support here in your journey to be benzo free. Please ask questions, we're here to help.


The Ashton Manual


General Taper Plans   


pianogirl  :)

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Hello Eldoorado73,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


As pianogirl said the adverse effects you are experiencing will, almost certainly, be related to the long term benzo use. I had the symptoms you mention during my years of benzo use, in fact my memory was so poor that I was convinced I had a form of dementia. However, I'm pleased to tell you that I'm benzo free now and my memory is so much better and I no longer have the morning fogginess you refer to.


With a slow and careful taper, within the guidelines that you've been given, you can be free from the Ativan and you'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance here.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Eldorado.....Im sorry you find yourself here. There is a support group dedicated to Ativan withdrawal that you may like to join/read.


You are making a great decision in reclaiming your health  :thumbsup:


You will find the thread under the main page - support groups then look for "tapering off Ativan support thread"



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