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How do you know when you're out of acute?


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Just wondering how you know when you're out of acute (meaning the acute phase that follows after you've finished your taper)? What is your experience with what follows acute as far as waves and windows and severity of your symptoms? Thank you all!
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I suspect that you are past the acute phase.  While there is no definitive duration for 'acute', I think many people think it should last from a few weeks to a couple of months.  The drug is now completely out of your body and your healing is occurring.  It's very positive that you have had a decent window.  They will get longer in duration and your waves should begin getting less intense.  Might still be a setback or two down the line, but you're going to get through this just fine.
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Thank you!! Ever since that awesome five day window I haven't had another like it. Every week I have different symptoms coming to the forefront. It's like they all take turns rotating through in a totally random way. I have some good days or good parts of days but I haven't had a symptom-free day since those five days (and on the fifth day I had symptoms coming back but I still count it as a window). I feel acute has lasted all the way until January and I'm still not sure I'm out of when I have a day as symptomatic as today has been for me. Thank you so much again!! I cannot wait until this is all so far behind me!!  :smitten:
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I feel the same way, Angel. I think of being out ofbacute as being functional because your symptoms ate manageable. When I hit that moment, permanently, I will consider myself out of acute.


Until then, I'm right there with you with the massive waves and windows.

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Yep!!! We just gotta ride it out. Ive been in my worse, most unpredictable wave since Sunday with almost no let up. Just hit 5 months today, too. Kind of a downer, but I will get there. And so will you.
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Thank you!!! I think I'm going to try not to worry about acute or out of acute and just keep thinking I am healing no matter what stage I'm in! It's so hard though!!
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Hi Angelprint


I never really thought of my early months as being acute. I was extremely ill for 3 months then very ill for 3 months and the pattern has continued like that with slow, gradual improvements over time. I can discern a definite improvement when I look back over 3 months but can't see it at the time. I never have a day without symptoms but I do get longer and longer  periods each day of feeling much better. I know others will have very different patterns of recovery.  Our nerve cells are working to recover all the time. Just because our symptoms stay the same does not mean we are not getting better.  Occasionally I get a fairly dramatic sign that something good is happening but it quickly fades. After a year of numb legs and bum followed by months of nerve pain I had these huge muscle contractions in these areas as if electricity was surging from my nerves to my muscles and reactivating them. It soon passed but was wonderful. These occasional exciting moments help morale.




LF  :smitten:



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My mental symptoms were horrific during my acute phase. I knew the worst was over when the hallucinations finally stopped. That lasted 21 days.  My next months were filled with fear most of the time, and more mental agony, but no hallucinations. By my third month I took a positive corner as my symptoms became more manageable. I improved every month after that and at one year and a month I consider myself healed. 
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Thank you both so much!! I will just try to keep remembering that we are all unique and that however this all goes for me, I am healing.  :smitten:
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Thank you both so much!! I will just try to keep remembering that we are all unique and that however this all goes for me, I am healing.  :smitten:


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I could distract and genuinely enjoy my distractions. Also, my stress response was MUCH better. I felt confident in riding out the rest of this....until I took ginkgo and subsequently reinstated  :(
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