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Gastritis and Severe Chest Pain - Thoughts?


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My father is currently 6 weeks out after a rapid detox (see below).  Lately, it seems like his worst symptom is terrible chest pain and gastritis.  Anyone have any recommendations?  He says the pain is unbearable, and it's making his anxiety go through the roof.



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Hi Sonof, I had these same symptoms for about 5 mos. They were terrible for the first couple months then became manageable and then just stopped....it's very distressing but tell him it's all normal . Love to you my friend ;)
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I have had terrible stomach issues all during taper and now being free. Along with bloated, nausea, gas pain. Even in the chest area. I just remember that it has all been here before and gone away. Sometimes it is very painful. I haven't found anything to help it but time to just let my stomach settle or the gas to go away. If anyone has any ideas I would be interested to hear them as well.
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I had terrible chest pains especially under my sternum.  So much pressure that I was sure I had heart troubles.  It went away for me around month 8 or 9.  Nothing I did would help it.  I was so sure it wasnt the w/d and was heart trouble that I slammed a beer and the pressure instantly went away for an hour until the beer wore off and it came right back.  So it is just the w/d and takes time
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