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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

can a fear be cured or if not reduced at least


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Does anyone know whether there is hope of me conquering my fear of electricity after withdrawal?


If I can't conquer it can it be reduced in intensity some way?


I'm really scared


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Gingging - I know you are feeling overwhelmed and really scared.....it obvious from your posts. Of COURSE you will get relief and/or overcome your fear of electricity. The thing you need to remind yourself is that you were able to get over it before, correct? Why would this time be any different?


You are in acute withdrawal. Plain and simple. What you are currently feeling is "NORMAL" for withdrawal/recovery. Obsessive thoughts, FEAR, panic, phobias and thoughts of "never getting better". You have to find a way to distract. When I had a specific phobia it was literally a full time job to try and not panic/obsess about it. But I did, and you've done it before and you can this time too. Stop questioning IF it will go away. Start using the phrase "when" it goes away. You need time away from the drugs so your CNS can settle down. In the meantime all you can do is distract. Can you try meditating, going for a slow long walk, reading a book? Can you volunteer somewhere a few hours a day to break up your routine? What have you been doing for distraction?


When I was going through my panic/phobia I read a great book that really helped me. It's called From Panic To Power, by Lucinda Bassett. Perhaps you could give it a whirl  :thumbsup:


Just keep reminding yourself that you are healing. Every day, in every way. You've had a history of poly-drugging and becoming free will have it's challenges. Just accept them for what they are.....a CNS trying to find balance.


You can do it  :thumbsup:

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Gingging - I know you are feeling overwhelmed and really scared.....it obvious from your posts. Of COURSE you will get relief and/or overcome your fear of electricity. The thing you need to remind yourself is that you were able to get over it before, correct? Why would this time be any different?


You are in acute withdrawal. Plain and simple. What you are currently feeling is "NORMAL" for withdrawal/recovery. Obsessive thoughts, FEAR, panic, phobias and thoughts of "never getting better". You have to find a way to distract. When I had a specific phobia it was literally a full time job to try and not panic/obsess about it. But I did, and you've done it before and you can this time too. Stop questioning IF it will go away. Start using the phrase "when" it goes away. You need time away from the drugs so your CNS can settle down. In the meantime all you can do is distract. Can you try meditating, going for a slow long walk, reading a book? Can you volunteer somewhere a few hours a day to break up your routine? What have you been doing for distraction?


When I was going through my panic/phobia I read a great book that really helped me. It's called From Panic To Power, by Lucinda Bassett. Perhaps you could give it a whirl  :thumbsup:


Just keep reminding yourself that you are healing. Every day, in every way. You've had a history of poly-drugging and becoming free will have it's challenges. Just accept them for what they are.....a CNS trying to find balance.


You can do it  :thumbsup:


Great post kiddo..ditto, ditto, ditto!

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