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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Really scared, anxiety or serious issue?


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Wow guys I am scared.  My blood pressure at 10:30 tonight is 175/83 with a pulse of 96.  This started in the early morning about 2:30 am when I woke up sweaty and terrified with a BP of 186/86.  At 8 am it was 170/75 and at 2pm it was 163/72.


I was on BP med lisinopril for about 12 years.  Two months ago a natural medicine doctor I was seeing said she would give me potassium supplement to help with bp once I got off the med.  So I stopped it to try the potassium supplement, but only used it several times.  I don't see the natural medicine doctor anymore because of lack of benefit from her advice.  I have started seeing an acupuncturist just before I went off the BP med.  She was okay with me not taking it.  My bp has been about 135/65 to 150/75 since stopping the BP med. 


Monday I got my 7th acupuncture treatment, felt okay for about 2 hours afterwards, then ate something. Hour later felt tired checked my blood sugar wow 280.  Hasn't been this high for quite some time.  I was diagnosed with diabetes 2002 when my weight was 210.  Right now I weigh about 150.  Was taking metformin until I lost all the weight and blood sugars became stable, a1c 5.8 without metformin.


Then last night/early this morning the blood pressure fiasco.  I called the acupuncturist this morning and told her everything, she said changes in the body will happen after the acupuncture treatment for two to four days.  Could I equate this to feel worse before better?  I am just really, really scared.  The pressure and pain in my whole body I am feeling when laying down this evening to sleep was like it was during the acute phase of benzo withdrawal.  So I couldn't sleep, really anxious that's why I am here trying to get some kind of help.


Please help I am really scared.

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Hi Sweet Pea!  I'm sorry that you're having a rough time right now.  It's not the first time that I've read that somebody has had their symptoms rev up following acupuncture.  Perhaps your acupuncturist is correct that things will settle down in a couple of days.  However, if you're really concerned about your well-being, please don't hesitate to contact your physician.


I'm guessing that some of this may be compounded by your fear.  Try to do some deep relaxation meditation or maybe take a slow mellow walk.  Early in my withdrawal, I watched a lot of light humor (SNL reruns) to relax me.  I'd even laugh occasionally (laughter is a very good medicine).  Basically do everything that you can to try to put down the fear/anxiety beast within you.


Good luck.

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Maybe go to the doc and get a beta blocker to take as needed. That's what I do. My sugar never gets that high but I don't feel good if my fasting sugar goes above 90. It has been as high as 110. I can tell when I wake up if it's higher then it's supposed to be because I don't feel well. The only thing that helps me is my diet. It has to be a paleo style but low carb. Doing it strict for about 7 days brings everything normal for me. No grains helped a lot and no sugar of course.
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Sorry to hear about what you're going through sweet pea.  I apparently have a permanently elevated heart rate myself, which I assume is a natural side effect of anxiety.  I suggest going to a doctor about the suspiciously high blood pressure, however.  I've never seen it as a withdrawal symptom.  Well, maybe it is, just that nobody usually records their blood pressure unless they have a medical reason to, so nobody knows, but get it checked out, just in case.


The anxiety-related sleep disturbances are one of the most common withdrawal symptoms, so you've got nothing to be afraid of there.  Unfortunately, just as I personally just learnt, just because the acute phase is over doesn't mean that acute symptoms won't be back every now and then.  :(

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Hi Sweat Pea!


I'm sorry you are struggling. Hopefully you can get back on b/p med until you are finished with w/d. Benzo w/d can affect the heart and increase b/p.

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