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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How do opiate meds make you feel


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That's  silly question.  Okay they make most of us feel pretty good.  I took a small dose last weeks and I got this creepy scary feeling.  Well whats new, that we feel a lot.  I used to take them for years.  they never makde me feel that way.
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I'm not sure this is really the question.  How do opioids make a person feel?  Different people react to them in different ways, but in the end they're not good for anybody long term.  They ultimately make pain worse.  Bad road to go down, either messing with these or taking them by RX.  I'm saying this as a person now two full years off Oxycodone and still suffering the effects.
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Not a path you want to travel down my friend ..it is NOT worth it.  They killed my good friend.  He was given a script for a medical issue, got hooked on them and well he's not with us anymore. 


Don't do it. 

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Spiraldancer--thank you for confirming my warning about opiates.  So sorry for the loss of your friend.  I have a darling friend who is hooked on Vicodan and I fear for her.  She is in complete denial and I've had to back up from her as I try to heal myself through withdrawal.  She cannot come to any good end on the path she's taken.


Others on this board have insisted to me that opioid withdrawal is a piece of cake compared to withdrawing from benzos.  Not sure I agree.  I think the benzo brain symptoms are horrific and might qualify as "worse," but if it were that easy to get off of opioids, all these people wouldn't be staying hooked and moving on to heroin.  A recent study showed that of a group of people who were PRESCRIBED opioids FOR ANY REASON and who took them for just thirty days, a full HALF were still on it and presumably addicted THREE YEARS LATER.


The medical profession is finally coming around to the realization that, looking at long term outcomes, opioids are not a good prescription for chronic pain.


Spiral--I see you've just joined but have no signature.  Welcome. Are you going to post your story? :)

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The medical profession is finally coming around to the realization that, looking at long term outcomes, opioids are not a good prescription for chronic pain.


I think that narcotics are similar to benzos, in that chronic suppression of anxiety or pain leads to downregulation of GABA/opiod receptors, and the long term result of that is increased anxiety or pain signaling.


It's really crappy in the case of narcotics; there are all sorts of other non-benzo strategies for dealing with anxiety, but chronic pain is insidious and we don't really have much medical technology to deal with it besides the poppy plant and the chemicals that come from it...

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