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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I can't remember why I need to go slow


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I have been at this for so long I just want to be done- I want to not wake up with surging cortosal and I want to regain some social skills.

I want this to be over and I can't remember why so slow- if I continue at this pace it will be 9 more weeks.

I cut 1mg every week- every Tues. I am feeling OK- fatigue continues and I get overstimulated if I have to go "out" ( grocery shopping- Dr. --Family at Christmas was tough)

Can you please remind me why I should go slow instead off getting on with the real healing that comes when the Benzo is stopped for good?  :tickedoff:

Thank you!

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Most people can get off benzos very fast.  This forum tends to be a home for people who have had difficulties getting off benzos.  There are also some people who are simply fearful by nature, and opt to taper even though they have no history of bad withdrawal symptoms.


You may not be one of those individuals.  I hesitate to suggest that you stop cold turkey (although that's what I did).  But if you're not having any significant withdrawal symptoms, there's no reason why you can't speed up your taper.  Some doctors tell their patients to do 25-50% cuts.  Maybe you can do 2 mg cuts per week.  Maybe even more????  You just need to pay attention to your body's response.  If the withdrawal symptoms start getting worse, then slow down.

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