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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Joining in hopes will be given a titration plan. Take 1 mg. of Klonopin at bedtime. Have been taking for about 15 years. Now that I am older, I notice stronger side effects. Am also on Prozac and hope in the future, will be able to take just Prozac.
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Hi Grizzie and welcome.


Good decision to get off the Klonopin after so many years.  If you haven't upped your dose in all those years, what you're feeling may well be tolerance. 


Here's a link to get you started posting in Titration Taper Plans.


The Ashton Manual contains a lot of information on benzodiazepines and tapering as well.  We follow the Ashton protocol of no more than 5 to 10% cuts every few weeks.


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Take care, Grizzie.

Challis  :)

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Hello Grizzie,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


When taken long term benzos can and do create many undesirable side effects, you've made a good decision to begin tapering and you'll be given plenty of support here.


I tapered off my benzo by the titration tapering method and I found it to be very successful. Have a read of the pink stickies at the top of the Titration Tapering board when you open the link that  Challis has given you. Titration is fully explained there and you can also post on this board for assistance with a titration tapering plan.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Dear Grizzie,


Welcome and Happy New Year!


That you are coming here "overjoyed" bodes well for your success.  :)


I, too, was a long-term, low-dose benzodiazepine user and have successfully weaned and 'jumped' from taking any benzos. I'm "older" too and after over a decade of taking Xanax faithfully at 5:00 pm daily I stopped receiving any benefit, and so weaned off.  I started before finding this site, however. Because my daily dose wasn't high and I'd never 'abused' it, the doctors felt I could just quit. Well, that wasn't the case. I dry-cut and tried to go slow.


I'm doing better every day. I plan to post in Post-Withdrawal support about my increasing optimism.


Seeker (the w/d'r formerly known as NeedsRelief)


P.S.:  Here's a list of acronyms to help you read the short-hand around here ;)


w/d = withdrawal

x = xanax

k = Klonipen

v = valium

a = ativan

sxs = symptoms

dx = diagnosis


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